5. Remembering Dad

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Disclaimer; I do not mean to offend anyone within the sensitive topics of this episode. Please be respectful because these are serious issues and I tried my best to keep these personal mental issues with the amount of class it was given on the screen.

I sighed as I was getting up the courage to get out of my car after sitting here in front of dads favorite restaurant for almost ten minutes. But I finally got out seeing mom and Kim pull up and start walking in.

"Hey guys". We greeted everyone before sitting down. I kissed Rob on the cheek before sitting down next to him. "Rob what's your favorite memory of Daddy".

Rob smiled looking at me before saying "Probably when he would bring Kat in my room every night to say our prayers together." I placed my hand on his shoulder rubbing it when Kim said "I think everyone of us had a different relationship with him".

Kourt spoke up saying "Mine is watching old movies. I would like be watching the movie and get really into it and he would always forget to record the ending." I chuckled saying "His recording skills were not that great."

Everyone kind of went silent and I looked over to Khalid as she kept rubbing her nose I held my hand out trying to be suddle and she took it.

Khloe and I have always been very close after our fathers death because we kind of dealt with it the same way. Khlo gets kind of aggressive while I just try and be as silent as I can about the issue.


I pulled up to DASH seeing Kim on the concrete putting some bagged clothes into a box. "Kim? Are you ok?" "No can you go deal with your psycho sister please." I put some of the clothes in the box before walking into the store hearing Khloe yelling.

"Khloe what's going on? Are you ok?" "No I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of the day cleaning up Kim's mess that has nothing to do with DASH." She started yelling towards me.

I gave her my look that I always gave someone who would yell at me saying "Ok first of all don't yell at me and second I'm here. I can help I had a phone meeting and it ran let so I'm sorry." I said in a firm voice cause people know I do not like being yelled at.

She just rolled her eyes saying "I'm leaving I would love to see you guys clean up and do this all on your own. By bitches have a great time." "Khloe!" I yelled after her pissed that she threw a shirt she hadn't picked up at me.

I sighed rubbing my eyes. Today has not been a good day and I just rolled my eyes as Kourtney said "Khloe needs to be put away for a few months." I shook my head saying "She just needs to cool off."


I was sitting in my loft finishing prepping for a presentation I have with my bosses when all the sudden my Land line starts to ring. I pick up asking "Hello?"

"Kat. Hi it's Khloe don't hang up. I  calling you from jail." I sighed rubbing my eyes. "Oh Khlo". "I'm in jail with a DUI. I have to stay here 7 hours as a maximum." I just laid down on my throw pillows.

Then I asked "are you ok babe?" "Yeah I am. I mean I'm in a mini dress and so it's just embarrassing." I hummed and said "I'm so sorry Khlo." "Just please come get me tomorrow. I cannot call you again."

"I'm sorry just please. Don't tell mom don't tell Kim. Don't tell anybody." "Ok I love you. Be safe I will see you tomorrow morning." "Bye I love you". She then hung up and I sighed putting my cards and computer away to charge.

After I emailed my main boss to reschedule I decided to finally go to bed. That has always been something nice about my job. It's very adjustable. Mainly because of the different time zones and everybody is already confused as it it.

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