Chapter 51

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Today was the day to tie up loose ends. The day Regulus was going to die.

First Regulus arrived at Sirius and Remus's apartment, opting to apparate into the middle of their front room so he wasn't seen anywhere near their area.

"Ugh that's disgusting" he grumbled as he saw the Gryffindors kissing in the kitchen. He smoothed his cloak for something to do with his hands.

"Don't be homophobic Reggie!" Sirius called, bring in wine for them.

" I won't stay long" he sighed, sitting on their leathery sofa. "I'm just asking for a favour, and I'm delivering a warning"

Remus nodded, turning down the telly so it was a faint murmur. He denied the wine, opting for tea instead. He was still sick after a full moon.

"Sirius can you babysit for me? Children love you and I don't trust Avery not to set the house on fire. Tonight's the night. I'll be back before the meeting."

He spoke quietly, practically, with his hands clasped tightly.


Regulus nodded and told them all about Lyra. She'd been staying with them for a week now and she'd finally warmed to Hermione. It was a different environment, sure, but he loved it. Loved introducing her to wizarding games and music and ways of life. And of course he was excited for their first Halloween. Lyra was an upside of him being at home by himself until they found somewhere to take her. He wasn't going to be alone.

"Sure" Sirius said exchanging a glance with Remus. He'd never thought of his brother to be the family man. Though he supposed they weren't keeping the girl forever. "What about the wedding though?"

Regulus scratched the back of his neck. "About that. We aren't going to have a wedding, seeing as we're already bonded. Just going to exchange rings"

Sirius nodded. "And the meeting? Nita's going to crash it?"

A small smile overcame his expression. "Yes" was all Regulus said. "We're leaving at seven, so be at this address by six. I trust you won't give me away?"

Remus watched as Sirius frowned and decided to intervene. "You have our word"


Hermione bounced a strangely talkative Lyra on her knee as Sirius walked into the room, though when she caught sight of him she promptly shut up.

Sirius sat in Regulus's arm chair and watched the little girl curiously. She completely contrasted Hermione. Limp blonde hair against brown and purple curls. Deep green eyes compared to everchanging dark ones. Ebony skin versus a fair complexion. But somehow they seemed to fit together as Hermione whispered calming words. He'd been briefed on Lyra's past, and so Sirius already felt the protective urge he was sure blanketed his brother.

"Alright my love, Reg and I have to go. Sirius will be watching you, and Reg will be back soon okay?"

She left out the part where when Regulus did return he would probably be horrendously ill and bed bound.

Lyra nodded quietly and Sirius smiled tentatively at her, Hermione apparating away.

She arrived on a cliff, overlooking a bleak view. The sea and the rock were unrelieved by any tree or sweep of grass. The water hit the cliff side viciously, and Hermione clung to Regulus's arm tightly. They walked to the edge and began their risky descent, feet and hands finding footholds in the rock. Wind threw blows at them and the salty water sprayed them but they continued on.

When it became apparent that they would have to swim, Hermione cast some sort of water repelling charm on their clothes, but that did nothing for the cold. The icy water chilled them both to the bone and land couldn't come soon enough. The cave became narrower and narrower, the slimy walls closing in on them and they could only see as far as the glow from Hermione's spell would reach.

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