Chapter 61

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Hermione awoke to Lyra jumping up and down on her and Regulus's bed.

"I wanna go to the Weasley house." She said once they'd opened their eyes.

Regulus yawned and sat up. "How come, love?"

"I wanna see Charlie. And Mrs Weasley gives me cake sometimes" she said, grinning like a mad woman.

He laughed slightly. "I thought you didn't like Charlie. You said he did boyish things, like play in mud with worms"

Lyra shook her head adamantly. She crawled under the covers, her cold feet touching them. "He's nice now. He picked me a flower last time from his mums garden and Molly started shouting at him. But he just winked at me after and went inside"

Regulus frowned and shook his head "no. No you cannot go to his house"

Hermione chucked a pillow at him, laughing. "You can, baby girl. Go get dressed"


Molly hugged the two girls tightly, squeezing the life out of them.

"Sorry to intrude Molly love, but Ly insisted she needed to see Charlie today"

The older woman shook her head and waved them off. "He's upstairs. You can sleep over if you want"

Lyra's eyes widened and she raced up the stairs. Molly took Hermione's hand and lead her to the kitchen. She was nursing a little baby Ron in her arms and the twins were throwing food at each other in their high chairs.

"How are you doing, Molly? It can't be easy" Hermione said, cooing at George as she teased the spoon out of his hand. He laughed at her, the sort of chuckle toddlers give while clapping their hands, and the spoon appeared back in his hand. Fred laughed even louder and they directed their assault on her instead.

Bits of jam hit Hermione square in the face and Molly began to fuss. "No it's fine. This is amazing magic. You've got some amazing wizards on your hands"

She scoffed but didn't say anything, rocking Ron back and forth. "I'm worried about Bill. I haven't heard from him"

Hermione looked up "I can go check up on him? Need to show Dumbledore I'm not scared of him anyway. Show of confidence"


Hermione had used Kreacher to take her to the peak of Gryffindor tower, ignoring the regulations that demanded she ask permission before entering Hogwarts grounds.

She stood in the shadows, hidden from the Fat Lady. The woman would alert the other portraits she was sure. Soon enough, a young girl walked past readying for give the password. She was pale, ebony black curls tumbling down her back as she walked with a bounce in her step.

"Excuse me" Hermione whispered and the girl turned sharply, her wand raised. Her blue eyes were disarming, and Hermione admired her bravery. "Could you bring Bill Weasley out here please. I'm a friend"

The girl raised a brow "I don't believe you. Why are you hiding?"

She laughed, the sound echoing against the walls. "Because the portrait doesn't like me. Tell Bill Nita Black is out here. He won't come if he doesn't want to see me"

Her eyes widened. "Nita Black?"

Hermione nodded and the girl turned to the portrait, muttered bezoar and raced inside. Bill emerged a few minutes later with a swagger that made Hermione chuckle. "C'mon, Bill let's go to the kitchens. The jam your brothers chucked at me wasn't enough to fill me"

The boy looked different. His hair was longer, and an earring hung from his ear. Now he was taller than Hermione and his frame was now muscular from Quidditch "What're you doing here Nita?"

"Your mums worried about you" she answered, walking down the stairs. "You haven't answered her letters"

"I'm busy" he said quietly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Hermione nodded and let the subject drop. As they walked the halls, people stared. Some in fear of Hermione, a known death eater associate, others in awe. Some ignored her completely and just watched Bill as he walked past.

They reached the pear and Bill tickled it, helping Nita through. The house elves rushed over, greeting both happily. They sat down at the tables in the corner in silence for a while until cake was brought over.

"Who was that girl? That got you for me?"

A small smile worker it's way across Bill's lips "Moira"

Hermione punched his shoulder lightly. "How come you haven't told me about her William?"

He pulled a face at his name and rolled his eyes " there nothing to tell"

"Moira what?"

"O'Donnell. Now can we change the subject?"

Hermione smiled teasingly "either Moira or why you've been ignoring your mother's letters. You pick mate"

Bill stabbed his chocolate cake "I told you I've been busy"

"Busy with Moira?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

He glared at her, putting his fork down and moving to stand.

"Wait. Merlin I forgot how stubborn teenagers are" Hermione sighed, following him. "If you won't tell me anything, maybe you can help me with something"

"What?" Bill snapped, but she didn't let it bother her.

"I'm looking for something" she said, falling into step with him. "It'll be something that represents the houses, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Something that belonged to the Founders"

He thought it over before grimacing "Moira can get into Ravenclaw tower"

The Cheshire Cat grin that spread across Hermione's face set Bill's frown deeper. He went to fetch her, but Hermione shook her head. "One sec"

A purple ball appeared in her palms and she threw it in the air. When it came back down Moira came with it.

"Alright love? Up to helping me defeat the Dark Lord?" Hermione asked casually as both the teens gaped at her.

Moira nodded slowly and Hermione nodded satisfied. "To Ravenclaw tower!"

Bill walked in silence, reluctantly listening to them ask eachother questions (how long have you known Bill for? What's it like fighting in a war? Etc)

Moira's Ravenclaw friends could only suggest Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem. Thing was, it'd been missing for decades. It could be anywhere.

"Thanks kids. I'll credit you when I meet the Minister" Hermione winked and went to leave. Bill scrambled to follow.

"Where are you going?"

"Room of Requirement"

"Where's that?"

"Where I'm going"

Bill rolled his eyes and walked close to her. Teachers blinked at them as they passed. He was surprised they hadn't alerted Dumbledore. Maybe they had.

As they turned a corner they bumped into Severus Snape. He frowned "Ms Potter."


He seemed conflicted "I need to speak to you about something. Hogs Head tonight?"

Hermione nodded, inside panicking.

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