Claude meets Naruto ... how will this end?

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*Claude de Alger Obelia, Emperor of the Obelia Empire*

"Your majesty I have told you 1- STOP PULLING ON MY ROBES ALREADY, HERE TAKE THIS!" Lucas handed a very larged lollipop to Naruo so he would stop annoying the wizard "where was I ... Oh yes like I said 100 times already he is relate to you and the child even has the royal mama as well.' Claude looked ove the wizard's shoulder to see the boy and his pet happily eating the lollipop togather.

"But ... the spell was suppost to summon Athanasia not this child!" Claude said before Lucas then started at the emperor with a dead look on face and told him something improtant about the spell "The spell wouldn't have done this if Princess Athanasia was alive but this means she ...." Claude then turned to the child knowing deep down this child had lost his mother. (Author Note; If anyone is wondering Claude thinks Athanasia is Naruto's mother since they look so much alike, ok.)

"Boy come here." Naruto looked up seeing the man wave a hand over at him, the little jailer happily skipped over. "Up up pleace!" said the little angel since his daddy always said to be polite to others, after a few minutes Claude sighed before picking Naruto up.

Naruto heard the jeweled eye guy say something to the pretty ruby eyes man before they walked out of the room into a larged hallway. "WOW this is pretter then my Daddy's work place!" said Naruto looking at everything that sparkly and  glittered, meanwhile Claude thinks Naruto was living in poverty.

'My poor grandchild don't worry your safe now.' Claude thought till he looked up seeing Felix coming down a side hallway "Ah Felix good tim-" but he was caught off by Naruto JUMPING out of his arms and lanched himself onto Felix. "Hi, I never seen you before but you most be relate to my mommy...." Naruto started talking really fast and Felix looked so confossed and frighten since 1: a boy threw himself into his arms and 2: he had JEWELED EYES!

"Wait mommy? Didn't your mommy have blond hair and jeweled eyes like you?" Claude question as the angel shooked his head "No my mommy had long red hair aand blue eyes like his." pulls on Felix's hair, witch made Claude think that Athanasia died her hair but it didn't explain the eyes "Plus my daddy has the same eyes like me and you mister!" 

Claude frozed hearing that, dear god this wasn't his grandchild but great-grandchild and with that he could only stair in shook as Ramen peed on him as Felix was freaking out as Naruto started to ask questions agains.

Meanwhile at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village  

"Man knock this gate open!" one captian of the Obelia Empire's army shouted as soilders ramed the gate till they were forced back by a .... FROG?!?!?! "Protect the village, fight for your lives!" said a man standing standing onto of the frog wearing a hat that coverd his face, as ninjas flew over the gates and started to battle the soilders.

The Hidden Leaf ninjas didn't know where they were or why these stranged dress men attacking their village but they needed to fight first ask questions later. "Hey there's women here!" cried a soilder who throat got slite by a 13 year old girl. The Empire's soliders were soon forced back as they were outnumbered and these stranged people weren't going down at all. It was less then an hour of fighting and let's say the Hidden Leaf Village was very suppires since battles lasted days sometimes weeks at a time. "What a bunch of weeklings!" cried a Urchiha anger (He was hopping for a good fight) before he got hit in the stomach by his Clan Head for showing emotion.

"How many our injured?" Minato asked his Sensei as he order some ninjas to sneek into the capital to see were in the world they where. "None so far witch is stranged." said Jiraiya as he tried to think 'They didn't even used any form of jutsu or even summons to help them, what kind of stranged enmies we have?'

"Good now .... NARUTO WERE ARE YOU??????? DADDY'S NOT MAD COME OUT, PLEACE!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Minato anime as tears came running down his face like waterfalls, as every ninja sweaptdropped anime style seeing their leaders like this.

Back with Naruto, inside Claude's palace

"Hi hi hi!!!" said Naruto waving at the nobles stairing at him in aww and shook, as he sat on Claude's lap on the Emperor's throne. Ramen was sitting happily on Jennette's throne as she chewed on the arm chair not liking the smell of it.

"Daddy why is their a mutt on my throne? get off you stupid animal!" skreetched Jennette storming into the room wearing a larged pink ballgown with sapphires all over it and tried to pick Ramen up, but the puppy bit her right threw her long black lace glovs. "She's ugly." Naruto said pointing at Jennette with a look of seriousnesss on his face as Claude, Felix and sereval nobles started laughing at the little one's straight forward answer.

"Your majesty who is this young men?" asked Countess Judith (AKA Jennette's aunt) smiling fakily as she wanted to strangled the boy who dare make fun of her niece. Claude smiled as he patted the boy's head "Why don't you intoduce yourself little one, ok?" Nobles gasped in shook since this sight; their Emperor never smiled at anyone, even the beloved princess.

"Ok" said Naruto jumping off Claude's lap before waving at the crowd smiling "Hi everyone!!!! I'm Naruto de Alger Obelia-Namikaze-Uzumaki son of Minato de Alger Obelia-Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki!"

The crowd soon fell into silents looking at the little angel with the royal eyes before their was a screeched of anger "How dare you clame to be part of my family and call me ugly, you brat!" Jenentte then slapped Naruto in anger, witch left him on the floor at Claude feet holding his face as he cried.

Naruto x Who Made Me a Princess crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now