Emperor Claude vs Ramen the puppy

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"Bad dog off the chair, ...... no off off." Claude de Alger Obelia kept saying trying to get the dog off his office chair ....... you most be wonder what's going on you see since Naruto was on bed rest from being slapped by the chimera by the order of the imperial doctor (who was forced to say this by Claude) but their was one problum ...... the puppy.

Sure the Emperor thought it was an ok pet and it did make his grandson (or was it great-grandson he didn't remember) happy but NARUTO WOULDN'T STAY IN BED cause he wanted to play with his pet dog! So being the good grandparent that he is, he took the puppy with him to work on paper work in his office. Once putting the animal in his office he closed the door to tell Felix to watch Naruto untill a nanny or a trust compained could be assigned to him.

Once Claude went into his office he found the room destoryed, even thought it only was 5 mintes he left the puppy by herself. He saw his paper work from is desk eaten or ripped to shreds or even have puppy prints that came from a spilled ink bottle. The draps and floors also had puppy prints all over them and Raman the puppy was sitting pleased with herself at her 'work'.

Ranman was very pleased with herself since this werid guy smelled werid, like something iky like that weird girl (was that thing even a girl? the puppy trully didn't know) who slapped her master. She wanted to go home with Naruto to big Naruto and all the good smelling people, and she wanted to cuddled up to Naruto to make the little boy feel better.

Playing help get people healthy again that was what she learned Inuzuka Clan when her 'savior' brought her to them when she was much much younger. "RAFF!!!" the puppy said happily wagging her tail, not moving out of the office chair.

"What dose he see in you, your cute but what else?" wonder Claude outloud before his office door was bang open and Naruto came barging in with Felix and servent chassing after the child, the blond cried out "RAMEN LET'S GO PLAY OUTSIDE IN THE MUD I FOUND NEXT TO THIS BIG BATH TUBE!!!"

........ "That's it I'm getting him a new pet, something calmer then a dog." said Claude rubbing his forhead as the jeweled eye child and his pet ran out of the office with the servents chassing after them, Felix remain behind to mourn over his hard work over the orginazing paperwork he fininshed at 3 AM IN THE MORNING.

"Something to get Naruto calm and will keep him out of trouble, but also could get the dog off his back." muttered out the Emperor before a light balb came on over his head. Soon the jeweled eye man started to smile before smirking hard before starting to laugh like a mad man, while Felix looked ready to run for his life or prey to god he was not going to be murder by the man/monster he swore to protect.

Later that day

"WOW HE'S SOOOO CUTE!!!! THANK YOU MISTER!" cried Naruto happily as he pet the cute pure white kitten with light goldish- yellow eyes, who happily purred in his lap. Ramen meanwhile was glaring at the cat who dared to steal her 'savior' attention, and the cat turned and looked with his eyes to smuggly smirk at her.

"I'll name you Tiger kitty and you, me and Ramen will be the best of friends for life!" cried Naruto before pulling both animals into a hug against him cheast. Claude smiled happily before thinking 'Now that puppy will bother the cat then me!'

*Tiger the kitten*

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*Tiger the kitten*

HI EVERYONE!!!! I hope you all like this chapter and Tiger might seem like a name that dosn't work for this cute animal up top but later on in the story you'll see how spical this little kitten is, SO BYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

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