Naruto finds the Pervert! Then is rushed away...

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"There's a what loose in MY castle?" demanded Claude as he stood in front of weeping maids who were begging him, HIM to catch the pervert. Many of the maids whispered that there undergarments disappeared and that someone touched their behinds.

That was very worrisome to the Emperor, especially with a young toddler running around the pervert might try to hold him hostage to get the maids to do what he wanted. Claude order the maids to stay near areas of the palace with male servants or guards.

He then order a small group of knights to go find Felix and Naruto, an being them back to him. Claude would not allow his only grandchild to even here about this thing inside the palace walls.

Meanwhile Jiraiya was writing down some of the new material he descovered, when all of a sudden he heard giggles. Looking out of the bush he was hidding in he saw Naruto playing with his puppy and some kitten, doing a little race.

Jiraiya quickly jumped out of the bush screaming "NARUTO!" trying to grab the toddler only to end up planted face first in the dirt as someone place a sword blade very close to his neck. Meanwhile Naruto was safetly in Lily's arms as she ran all the way to the Emperor's Palace screaming that someone tried to grab the young Prince.

Felix was soon in a fight against the long haired strange who tried to grab the prince, who somehow slipped out of his hold. The Crimson Knight never been in a fight like this before, it seemed foreign ... but looking closly the strangers arms moved fast but seemed similar to Naruto playful moves.

Soon more knights started to fill the area as one scream out "THERE'S THE PERVERT, GET HIM!" as more knights soon jinoed Felix on capturing Jiraiya. Soon the ninja was in chains being taken to the dungons, while most of the knights were being taken to the infirmary being taken care of for injuries.

Claude had soon heard the report of the pervert almost capturing Naruto, wanting to go to the dungon and torture him. But at the moment he had to make sure Naruto was safetly taken care of, so appointed Lily York (his daughter's old nanny) as the offical head maid of Naruto's household.

Lily York coldly took the offer, but only ask that Jennette and any 'descendants' that might show up be taken out of the line to the succession to the throne. Lily York would not allow the Alpheus nor Judith families to take the rightful place from her princess's bloodline again.

It was the only thing she could do now for the late Lady Diana and Princess Athanasia ...

... to place Prince Naruto apon the throne of the Obelia Empire!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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