Plan of Attack & Tears

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[A/N: That's right Ajax, we know it is hard but you must take the challenge to not use your hydro and electro. Lumine is so scared for you right now...oof. Provided a particularly good song to listen to while you read this that fits so nicely with Lumine's mood right here. It's a Fairy Tail OST but I think it fits since, well, Sumeru. For sake of things and creative liberties until otherwise revealed/stated Ajax's family's surname is Caeli, after his constellation.]


Autumn's cool breeze gave way slowly to arid heat now the farther they went into the maze of the Chasm. Rocky maze gave way to a sloping, steep valley. Thankfully they had not run into any signs of the Fatui or any serious monsters other then some geo and dendro slimes. So Ajax hadn't had to force his hand in his condition to Lumine's relief. IT had been quite the hike and Ajax that normally did not struggle at all was panting for breath as he stopped leaning against a large ancient pillar from some ruins they were now leaving behind. 

This did not escape Lumine's notice as she went over to her love's side. "Ajax do you need to rest?"she asked with concern. Was it the poison or his wounds or both that were bothering him? Looking at his face shadowed by his cloak's hood his complexion had paled further as sweat plastered his hair to his skin. His breaths today had become uneven as his lungs today, now three days since they left Liyue behind felt like he swallowed a torch. Keeping up with the healthy girls was now he noticed becoming difficult. Still time was not his friend and he knew it.

"N-No...I can keep going. I just felt a little out of breath is all, so lets keep going."he tried to reassure giving a strained, tired smile as a gust of wind blew off his hood. The girls did not seem convinced but said nothing as they continued forward. 

"Lumine watch him like a hawk. Do not let your partner out of your sight, got it?"Aloy whispered glancing over her shoulder to the cloaked exharbinger not far away. Her scanner from her focus had revealed troubling signs that warranted caution. The poison seemed to be attacking her fellow archer's body in a way that was like being he was being choked or burned alive. Was this because the poison attacked allogenes? Aloy was not sure. 

Either way the girls knew they needed to stop soon so to allow their ailing companion to rest. Lumine slowed so she was now walking in stride with Ajax and stuck to him like Paimon to honey roast. He really did not look well as they managed to finally reach the small village. Lumine wasted no time guiding to Ajax to an old abandoned house the village's leader had set aside for use by the minors and adventurers that come through here to reach Sumeru. No sooner had she closed the door did did Lumine feel Ajax's legs give out finally as he slid to the floor as she helped ease him down. 

"Ajax, you overdid it didn't you?"she asked in worry.

"I must look pathetic, huh? It's written all over your face Ojou-chan."he croaked leaning his head back against the wall with closed eyes. With a pained grimace he hissed as Lumine pulled out the ointment Baizhu gave her for Ajax. he didn't fight as the petite blonde helped him remove his cloak, coat, and shirt and scarf. 

"We told you to tell us when you need to stop. Putting on a brave face and digging your heels like this isn't going to help you..."Lumine scolded on the verge of tears as she tended to his injuries and the poison that wrecked havoc on his body. She could see the pain he was in and how he struggled to keep up now. "It's starting to progress like Dr.Baizhu warned....he's getting weaker."she thought securing the knot tightly. "You're only succeeding in hurting yourself and making me worry Ajax."

"Lumine..."Ajax stared in quiet shock before his face laced with agony softened and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close. His gloved hand wiping away her tears that threatened to fall as she clung to him, resting her head into his chest. He had not meant to worry her so much and had meant to do the opposite in fact. "Looks like that plan backfire, great work Ajax you made your girl cry."he thought sadly, gently tightening his hold around her. Ajax's to Lumine's surprise started to hum some kind of tune unfamiliar to her ears. But it was not an unwelcomed surprise; actually it was soothing and eased her nerves a bit. These last few days had left her emotionally raw and mentally exhausted. However she could feel the unsteady rise and fall of his chest with each breath. So slowly she got up and helped him to his feet.

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