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Have you guys wondered why Curtis Keyanta, Yuki's father treats women the way he does? ➤

Curtis had grown up on the street, he was poor and left alone by his parents. new nothing of them and never had the time to think deeply on their disappearance. He had to figure out how he was going to survive. 

His parents left him when he was 7, They hopped around from town to town...scamming people and making profit. In one town they simply decided they no longer wanted to be parents. It was annoying lugging around their little boy with the life they lived. they did not want to settle down and get real jobs. 

they wanted to live fast and scam. Boast in their riches...So they finally did it. They left him behind one night while he was sleeping to head over to their next destination.

never once looking back or thinking about the innocent child they'd wrong.

Unknown to curtis they died 3 years later.. their bad luck catching up with them when they tried to scam the wrong person and paid with their life's

the funny thing is the last words they said while begging and pleading for the person to not take their life's were 

"Please sir, Don't do this. We have a son!! we'll do anything, don't take us away from our little boy"

It was of no use however, they were shot once in the head and discarded 

By that time Curtis was already living a better life. See at 9 years old he was adopted by Mr.Keyanta himself. The wealthy business man was lonely. He's parents both dead of old age  and set for life with his wealth but his life held no meaning.

He had found Curtis Begging for food on the street one day and took him in. cleaning him up and feeding him well curtis was very grateful of the man. Admired him and planned to do everything he could to follow in his footsteps 

Although Mr.Keyanta was set he didn't have the most respect in the business world. He was a very kind soul who settled for most things and that itself led to him getting fucked over on multiple deals.

Curtis would sit and watch this all happen at the meetings. It always surprised people when he said he'd be bringing his son to the meeting and showed up with an African American young man. 

Curtis was never bothered by the stares, it wasn't like they'd never seen a black person before. They just wasn't aware Mr.Keyanta had an adopted son, Though if you asked Mr.Keyanta himself he'd never admit it and would always say that Curtis was his full flesh and blood.

But having a son wasn't enough for him. sure they spent time together went to meetings went on trips, you named it but Mr.Keyanta still wanted to feel loved.

so he had his fare share of flings and on and off girlfriends until he met her.


the love of his life. He'd always say life felt complete with her around, he took her on trips. bought her the most luxury things and spoil her rotten. she was his everything. In his eyes he had the perfect family and he could never be happier.

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