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Moonlight shone through the canopy of the forest shining down on the leaf-strewn ground. A light bluish grey she-cat stood completely still, her dark tail tip twitching. Her blue eyes watching through the trees past the border where the clan cats lived, waiting for something.

While the she-cat stood there, three kits tumbled around behind her. The lightest one, a white she-cat was a head smaller than the other two, constantly getting smashed under the bigger kits. She shot out of her brother's grasp and bumped into their mother, who suddenly spotted something coming out of the trees.

She quickly pushed the young kit back into the makeshift nest along with her siblings and whispered "Stay here." The small kit looked at her curiously as she ran away, stepping on a stick and rustling the bush the kits were hidden under as she left. Now all three kits were listening, trying to figure out what was happening.

The white kit started meowing, calling her mother back, but one of the bigger kits, a bluish-grey she-cat laid her tail across the other kit's mouth, trying to quiet her so she could listen to the sounds outside the bush. Their brother, a grey tabby, slowly walked toward the opening. Before he could poke his head out a brown muzzle appeared in the entrance.

The kits squeaked in fear and pushed themselves to the back of the den as the creature pushed further in. Soon a brown tomcat with white splotches had entered the makeshift nest and turned his head to yowl "Rosetail there are kits in here!" A tortoiseshell cat pushed their head into the push and looked at the kits with wide amber eyes.

"Look for any other cats nearby," Rosetail instructed, taking her head out of the bush. A few cats outside of the bush scattered, while the kits continued to watch the strange cat in front of them. The smaller one pushed herself in between her siblings in fear.

"Don't be scared,'' the tomcat said softly. "My name is Thrushpaw, and we are going to help you. Where is your mother?"

The bigger she-kit stepped forward bravely. "She was just outside the nest with us. Then she pushed us in here. We don't know where she went."

The tom-kit interrupted. "She usually always tells us where she is going."

Suddenly Rosetail pushed her way back into the bush and whispered something to Trushpaw. His eyes widened and he looked back at the kits. "What are your names?" He asked. The tom-kit replied, "I'm Rain, and these two are Dewdrop and Tiny." He pointed his tail to the she-cats beside him. Trushpaw nodded and picked up the small white she-kit Rain had called Tiny. She squealed in surprise and struggled.

Dewdrop looked at Trushpaw in protest. "Hey put her down!" Rosetail turned to him and exclaimed, "Thrushpaw!" and he quickly put Tiny down, who scrambled behind Rain. "You can't just grab them, explain to them what's going on." Rosetail lectured. She said no more, expecting the nervous Thrushpaw to say something.

"Uh," Thrushpaw started, "You need to come with us because, Uh, Your mother wants us to take you back to our camp." The kit didn't argue, only said "Okay," unsurely. Tiny was still not saying anything. Thrushpaw grabbed Dewdrop while Rosetail grabbed Tiny, and a third cat came in to take Rain away from the only home they had ever known.


The patrol walked into camp with the three kits, who stared around in wonder as cats came from around the clearing to get a better look at them. They set the kits down in the center of the clearing, Dewdrop standing over her sister protectively. Rain stood there, looking ready to run or fight if needed.

"What's happening here?" a cat asked, stepping through the crowd around the patrol. She stood with wide eyes when she spotted the kits, then quickly picked up her calm composure and looked to Rosetail for an explanation. Quickly she explained how she found the kits and came to the conclusion of taking them. The kits weren't listening until the strange cat addressed them.

"They can't be more than 3 moons at least," she guessed, studying the kits. "Though, that small one looks to be only a moon." Rain crouched down and gave her a low growl and replied "Our littermate is as old as we are, and just as strong." the older cat looked like she doubted that, but she didn't press the matter

"My name is Honeystar, leader of Fernclan," the golden she-cat declared. "What's your names?"

"My name is Dewdrop, my brother is Rain, and this is Tiny," Dewdrop said bravely, ending with the small kit huddled underneath her.

"Then by the power in me, I declare these three kits members of our clan, Dewkit, Rainkit, and Tinykit!" Honeystar finished, yowling to the whole clan. All around the kits, confused faces stared down at them, but one by one they started yowling to the sky, "Dewkit! Rainkit! Tinykit!" It was the start of a new beginning. 

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