Chapter 10

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Tinypaw stretched before making her way into the main medicine cat den. The medicine cat den was made of three sections. One was a hollowed-out rock where the herbs were stored. They stay dry in there, but the rest of the den is not as water-proof. There was a little place set aside for the medicine cats to sleep, which led into the main part of the den where sick or injured cats would stay.

Only one cat was sleeping in a nest. Poppymist had a cold and since she needed more care than warriors. But staying in the den has helped a lot and she was already feeling better. Walking out of the den Tinypaw looked around for Seedpelt, who she found coming out of the nursery.

"Were you checking on Cherrymist and the kits?" Tinypaw asked as she met the medicine cat in the middle of the clearing. She nodded and put down the herbs she was carrying.

"All are healthy and growing fast, how is Poppymist?" Seedpelt asked.

"She seems fine, she doesn't have a runny nose anymore," Tinypaw replied. Seedpelt nodded and pointed to the herbs on the ground.

"Put these away then meet me outside of camp, we are going to collect some herbs," Seedpelt instructed. Tinypaw nodded and gently picked up the herbs, walking back to the medicine cat den.

Placing the herbs in their designated spots she took a deep breath in, smelling all the herbs and trying to pick out their scents. Looking around the herb store she recognized a few of the herbs. Cobwebs to stop bleeding, Catmint to cure Greencough, and Mouse Bile which is used to kill ticks.

Trying to remember the rest of the many herbs she had been taught, Tinypaw walked out of the den and through the camp entrance. Outside she was surprised to feel a slight breeze that ruffled her pelt and sent shivers down her spine.

"Getting colder, leaf fall is upon us," Seedpelt said, walking up to Tinypaw. It had almost been half a moon since the last gathering. Excitement filled Tinypaw as she thought of all the fun she had as a kit in the snow, then she remembered what she had learned about herbs.

"The plants will die," Tinypaw whispered, looking out into the forest.

"Correct," Seedpelt purred. "That's why we have to collect as much as we can before leaf-bare, but we always have to leave some of the plant. Do you remember why?" She looked at Tinypaw who looked up into her mentor's eyes. The right was blue while the other one was green.

"We would kill the plant, it wouldn't grow anymore," Tinypaw replied. "But what if we don't have enough?"

"That's when we ask the other medicine cats for help," Seedpelt said as she walked into the forest. Tinypaw followed. "I think we should head towards the Twolegplace, so we can collect some catmint. Along the way, we can stop and collect chervil, yarrow, and poppy seeds. Maybe even some cobwebs, but your littermates could easily do that."

Tinypaw nodded her head and followed her mentor through the forest, trying to memorize what herbs were along this route. It was amazing how Seedpelt knew where all of the herbs were in the forest.

Stopping, they collected some poppy seeds and carefully placed them on a large leaf that Seedpelt gave to Tinypaw. Carrying the bundle, they continued walking through the forest, Tinypaw trying not to trip over the leaf.

Tinypaw had grown, she was sure of it. Looking at Cherrymist's small kits she felt older, even if she was still smaller than her littermates. Seedpelt guessed that her full size would be that of an apprentice 4 moons after their training.

Seedpelt stopped and looked around, finally looking at Tinypaw expectantly. "Can you find the next herb?" Tinypaw put down the bundle of poppy seeds and scented the air, trying to pinpoint a herb.

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