Your abusive parents went out for a week. You and your friends are gonna celebrate in a forest but not a huge party. You met slenderman at a young age but somehow you stop going there. Your in University ,gets bullied even people are supposed to gro...
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Y/N POV: I woke up and I felt my face. I was crying?... I slowly and quieting tip toeing downstairs, so my dad won't wake up a hurt me (sorry it was supposed to be in this font.) I got some cherry juice cus I actually learned that it helps you sleep
Anyways I went back upstairs like I did to get downstairs. But something feels wrong like someone w a t c h i n g me but I shook it off and went to my room. But I found some things missing and my window a bit open as a killer/murderer (bet you didn't see that coming! ;3) I knew someone or something was in my room... And you might ask me "iF yoU aRE a MurDEreR wHy DoN't YoU kiLL yOuR FaTHeR If hE hURtS YOu" well even I ask myself that everyday and for some reason I don't know. The next morning D= I woke around 5:23 so I can shower and and make the batter for waffles. Plus I don't really like hearing my parents argue... I walk to the bathroom and take out my clothes and hop into the shower. I run my hand with shampoo through my scalp and put the conditioner on to my hair and rinse it out. I Wrap myself with a towel and brush my hair. Then I put on my outfit. Girl/non-binary