Your abusive parents went out for a week. You and your friends are gonna celebrate in a forest but not a huge party. You met slenderman at a young age but somehow you stop going there. Your in University ,gets bullied even people are supposed to gro...
A/N: Ok I don't remember if Y/N had curse or not. So if Y/N had said swear words well just replace them with some fill ins like shoot or Glitch ~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~••~ Y/N POV: I went into the kitchen and knew what most of them enjoy because Hello! I love the creepypasta fandom so all of us know what there favorite food is. I turned my back to put on my apron. Let's just say I teleported back to my home to get a few things. Then I jumped a little to arms around my waist and a head laying on my shoulder from my behind. I turn my head to see Toby heh..Cute. Wait what am I thinking! Oh well, I say "Morning Hot stuff" I said to him. I giggle when I saw his face blush. "G-Goodm-morning d-doll, I'm r-ready to c-cook." *tic* He said in a groggy but calm voice. "Ok then! Let's make some homemade cheesecake...." I said a little bit sad. When I was younger I made Gab cheesecake all the time, since it was like her 3rd favorite dessert. Gosh I miss you Gab, why did you have to leave me?.... "Y/N, a-are you o-ok? Y-You're s-spacing o-out." I heard Toby say. "Huh? Oh I'm ok. I'm always ok! Anyway let's start cooking shall we love?" "Of c-course D-Darling" *tic* .A f t e r 1 h o u r o f c o o k i n g. Done! Me and Toby finally finished making everyone's breakfast and it's on the table but then. I think how are we gonna wake them up? {You know you could..Hahah heheh} {stop laughing Delaney and just tell them already!} [thank you Lucy] {ok do this}
[I love the Idea! It's going to be so fun!] I think Toby read my mind because he got the pans. "Let's do this... hehehe" I said while giggling Evilly. .A f t e r W a k i n g U p t h e o t h e r s W I T H T H E PANS. Breakfast is ready! You yelled. Than you heard doors opening and running. I teleported downstairs to see bunch of faces. I saw there faces, they were shock. A bunch at there eyes lit up seeing the food I made. They all pushed each other out of the way to get to there seats. I saw Slenderman teleported in front of the head table. His face was surprised (well 😂) he then sat and said "Well this is a lovely surprise from both of my proxy's. Thank you Darling and Toby. I'm a bit surprised that you even remember my favorite food and be able to cook all different foods." "You're right brother! Let's eat it all of them looks delicious!" Splendor said excitedly. I saw everyone stuffing there faces with all the food I made them. Pancakes,Waffles,all types of sandwiches, cheesecakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, organs, French toast, toast, and so much more. I sat down next to Toby, who was like eating his waffles with blueberries, whip cream, and maple syrup. And who was on my left it was EJ eating cooked and raw organs. (I know that sounds wrong.) "So how is it?" I asked nervously to him. "I never knew cooked organ can actually taste good. Good job" he told me. I turned my head over to Toby and said "So how are the-" I was cut off by him saying "T-THESE WAFFLES *tic* A-ARE THE B-BEST W-WAFFLES I E-EVER H-HAD!!" *tic* He exclaimed! "Oh I'm happy you enjoy them!" I started eating my waffles with strawberries, also (choice of breakfast food.) [Dang I am good] {You think?} {Shut up Delaney} {that wasn't nice Bad} [Don't start fighting now] I sighed Jesus there gonna kill me. Then I heard "A-Are you o-ok? Darling" "Yes I'm ok Toby thanks" I respond. "Ok.." he seem hesitant about me sighing. .A f t e r E v e r y o n e i s d o n e w i t h t h e r e f o o d. "That was the best breakfast I ever had!" Yelled BEN. "Definitely!" Said Clockwork. "There right Dear." "Thank you Uncle Trendy and also thank you guys for enjoying it" I said with a slight smile. "No, thank you Darling we all really enjoyed it plus I needed a break on cooking" "No problem Slendy! I had fun cooking with Toby specially." I said smiling like an idiot. "Well everyone get ready for the day so at night you all can do your missions at night. Also Jeff, Zero, and Helen (bloody painter) You guys are on cleaning duty in the kitchen." I heard Slenderman say. "No Slenderman I can clean it all up just with a snap." "No child, you just came back and plus your room is fini-" I cut Slenderman off by saying "No, No watch" I said as I snapped my fingers. "Now go look" I said confidently. I saw him with a confused face (not literally.) He then teleported. Slenderman POV: I teleported in the kitchen seeing everything spotless. Even my proxies couldn't clean this, this good. I teleported back pleased seeing my kitchen. "Well thank you my child, it looks perfect. So you three don't have to clean the kitchen since Darling did it." I said. "Yay thanks Y/N!" I heard Zero say. "Please just call me Darling not my real name" "Oops sorry Darling" Zero said. I then said "Alright everyone get ready. Brothers please show Darling they're room." "Of course Brother!" Splendor responded happily. Now I have to get back to work ugh. Y/N POV: Everyone left, while I was there getting up when Splendor picked me up and hugged me saying " Oh it's such a Joy having you back! But now we have to show you your room!" "He right love, so let's teleport." I heard Trendy said. We teleport infront of a familiar door. With stickers on it saying Y/N and Gabby's room! Where the fun is here! I froze when I saw that. Gabby.... Gosh I miss her a lot.. "Go in Love see it we cleaned it a bit." (Bedrooms)
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(Hope you like them:>) I started shaking and crying a little bit. Gabby was the bottom while I was the top. I ran into the room going on Gabby's bed crying happy and sad tears. Remembering all the memories I had with her here. Trender just came in to with Splendor, with Trender saying "I know hun it's a lot to take in. Just breathe, we miss her too." "Even I cried cleaning up this room!" Splendor added. I closed my eyes and guessing I fell asleep. Dream: I was in the forest hearing giggling, a familiar giggle...Gabby! She held my hand and spun me around. We both fell down she laughed while I couldn't but sighed in relief. "What's wrong sis? Did someone hurt you again!" I'll kick there butt!" "No no sissy it's just I'm happy to see you again" " What do you mean? You always see me silly." "Right hehe" "Anyway let's go see Slendy and our Uncles! We can go cook and play with them. Since Dad is drunk.. and mom is working..Well whatever let's go! He said we will play pretend! I hope it's traveling especially Germany" "What no!" (End of Dream~) ________________________________ Hi Guys! Hope you like this chapter and yes I had to leave it on a cliffhanger cause yes~ Well now we're in my birthday month, February! Ok well imma head out now cause I'm tired it's like what 11:48 p.m. So bye guys! The word count of today is...... 1319!