As I walked in I felt tons of eyes on me. I tried to introduced myself until someone put a hand on my shoulder ! I elbow them in the chest then turned and kick them in the gut while my eyes were closed until I open them and meet my eyes BEN. "Omg I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too! I just don't wanna be touch in the situation that just happened to me I'm extremely sorry BEN!" I said. "Hah you got kicked in the gut!"Said someone. Then Delaney took control of me. #Look what you did to him boss!# My eyes just turned colors instead of e/c it was maroon and black. But it turned back to its original. Then Eyes became even more confuse. "How did you know my name?..and what happened to your eyes And voice?" #We are fans of you and I'm controlling Y/N!# Delaney said controlling my body. My eyes turned back to normal. "You guys gotta stop doing that while I'm talking" I said talking to my group. "But anyway the voice you guys just heard was Delaney the doll. She's the killer you guys probably heard of on the news!" But anyway Im Y/N or you can call me Darling! "It's a pleasure to meet you all" I say as I bow down. "Why so formal?"Asked Jeff. "Well mother always taught my manners." I said. Then my eyes lit up I saw Sally. "Aww you must be Sally!! Lucy really likes your character even though you're real." I said happily. Ooh a new friend! Hi my name is Sally would- I cut the adorable girl sentence with "of course I would love to play!!" "Wait really!" She asked excitedly. "Yeah but you don't mind if I invite a friend?" I asked. "No not at all!!!" She was extra excited. Ok well let me meet the others then we'll play tomorrow alrighty? "Okie dokie." She said. Then Jane came in front of me and said "I can tell we are going to be friends after what you did to BEN was pretty Bada*s". I giggled a bit "Yeah I just taught myself self defense when I was I think 10 all by myself" I said a bit proud of myself but not showing it. Then EJ came, "that's really impressive I must say" he said.{Omg that's EJ he's my favorite!!} {We know Fools} I shushed them."I'm EJ nice to meet you.." he said. "And I'm Jane." Jane added. I bow down and say "It is very pleasant meeting both of you" I say. "Don't need to be so formal" Jane said. "Nah mother taught me to alway have manners." I said. "Well it's just how they were taught Jane." EJ said. "Well I'm going out hunting and get my food so bye, it was nice to meet the first proxy so bye cya later." Said EJ. "Bye-bye EJ!" I said. "Imma go head to my room and think how to embarrass Jeff." Jane said. "Cya later!" I said. Then I saw my favorite pasta Ticci Toby, I came up to him and said "Hello there my name is Y/N and it's very nice to meet you! I said bowing down. "O-Oh H-Hi *tic* t-there it's nice *tic* t-to meet y-you also! N-No n-need t-to bow *tic*" "Oh don't worry it's just how I was taught! But anyway I like your voice it's really cool!" I could tell he was blushing his ears were a bit red. "Umm t-thanks n-no *tic* one has e-ever c-complement about *tic* m-my t-tics b-before.. they j-just m-make fun of i-it *tic*" he said. "Make fun of what? You seem so nice and fun! I think there just mad because you have better fashion sense then them!" He chuckled softly. "A-aw t-thanks!*tic*" "No problem! Anyway what has Slenderman been making you guys do?" I asked I was curious what he making the pasta do. "O-oh he m-makes us d-do *tic* missions l-like k-killing certain p-people, or s-spy on t-them *tic* a-and kill t-them a-after." He said. "W-why a-ask? *tic*" "Oh just because it's been a long time I've seen Slenderman and wanted to know what he did with you guys. He said to me he was planning on making army or a huge group of killers. So it's nice that he succeeded. Also Hey um one more thing! Before you go." "Y-yes?" He asked. "Would you like to cook with me because I have a passion for cooking and would like to cook for everyone but there's a lot of people? And I don't know what all of them like. So do you think you can help me?" I asked. "Y-Yea I l-loved t-to" *tic* "Ok cool so tomorrow?" I was making sure. "Y-yep!" He said happily. "Alrighty then imma go meet the other pastas and maybe after I'm done I can talk to ya, if you're not asleep? Cause umm I don't really sleep unless I take like 4 pills." I giggled a bit at my disappointing self. "S-sure I-I h-have the *tic* same p-problem e-except I d-don't take t-the p-pills." He said while chuckling. "Oh ok! Glad I'm not the only one. (😅) Well I better get going to meet the others." I said. "O-ok cya s-soon."*tic* I left to meet the others (BEN, Jeff, Clockwork, LJ, Jason the Toymaker, Lost Silver, Puppeteer, Nina the killer, Kagekao, Dark link, Bloody painter, and the one I didn't want to see was Masky and Hoodie after what they did to my friends.
Toby POV:
After Y/N left I think I was still blushing? I haven't felt this comfortable talking to someone new or feeling embarrassed about my tics. They complemented my tics...? Usually people ask about it feel uncomfortable talking about it or...make fun of it, sadly. But no they were different.And apparently they're the first proxy. Well I guess I'm hanging out with them tomorrow. Im actually kinda excited and I'mma learn how to cook! Wow I feel a bit Lucky in a long time. I think they're going to sleep on the couch but tomorrow they're going to have there room back?... I mean they must've lived or visited here before. But still can't wait!
.T i m e S k i p T o 3 a.m.
I was just chilling on the couch and I read on my phone 3:01 a.m jeez. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I grab my scissors from my skirt pocket ready to attack. They say "Whoa y-you s-said you *tic* w-wanted t-to talk w-with m-me." Wait is that you Toby? I asked Y-yes p-please put t-the *tic* s-scissors down. Oop sorry I said. I-it's fine y-you just d-did I-it as self d-defense.*tic* Yea I'm just always ready now to fight. I said plainly. S-so what d-do you w-wanna t-talk about? *tic* Well how did you meet Slenderman? I. was really curious for some reason so I asked that. U-umm... he trailed off. Sorry touchy subject? Maybe if I tell you what happened to me you can tell me what happened to you, so you don't feel awkward? I suggest. Y-yea I-I like the I-Idea *tic* Ok-
Ok so yeah I left on a cliff hanger because I need more chapters =_= Anyway by the time I post this I'll be working on the 8th chapter. We'll see you later my lovely's and have a fabulous day/night! Also the word count is 1337

Devil Darling!(Ticci Toby x Reader)
FanfictionYour abusive parents went out for a week. You and your friends are gonna celebrate in a forest but not a huge party. You met slenderman at a young age but somehow you stop going there. Your in University ,gets bullied even people are supposed to gro...