A/N: so I decided that you can tell when it's Slenderman the font will be this. So yea any way I'm writing this on Christmas since we celebrated yesterday cause that's how Hispanic do it but MERRY Christmas!!🎄 ________________________________Y/N POV:
Ok I was about to tell Toby my backstory even though I already know his I just want him to feel comfortable around me. So this is how it started. " Well I was born on *put birth date* to an abusive horrible family. My mother at the time wasn't neglectful and until I was maybe..9? The only person who cared for me was my sister Gabi and my Nona.(also Nona means Grandma from other countries like me :) But Gab loved Music,sunflowers,anime,and drawing. I'm kinda now like her, I adore sunflowers,music,and some drawing.(add anime if you want.) Everyday I would go to the Slender Woods with my sister, Gabi and after we ate to we would go there to have some play time. Playing hide and seek or tag. We never saw those sketches that the police or town was talking about. But the beatings always were terrible. Seeing your mother have a miserable face while you're getting abuse and she does nothing but look emotionless. My sister never really felt it. I just sat on the ground getting beat, seeing blood, I always looked at my mother why she never stopped him or at least say a word. But when I was like 1-8 she and my grandma would teach me how to cook and bake. Those were the loveliest of times. But how I met Slenderman it was pretty simple. Gabi and I would go to woods as I said but when we were playing tag my sister found a note. Gabi called me and I came to see the note. Then the figure came right in front of us. And started talking to us. Me being young and nice I was very friendly while my sister thinking he could hurt us. But he didn't instead he invited us to the Mansion and boom! We started going there every day seeing my uncles (Trendy, Splendor,Offender) until...." I trailed off. "U-Until?" He asked. Gabi died..from a plane crash, she was coming back from Germany for a school trip..." "O-Oh I'm s-sorry to h-hear t-that.."*tic* He said sadly. "It's alright I get hallucinations of her now and then, people would usually freak out but I just wanted to see her and plus I visit her grave and give her sunflowers." I said. "Well how did you get back here, to the mansion?" He curiously asked" Well yesterday was my birthday since it's like 3:20-ish am and, my friends and I wanted to celebrate by going to the woods,and let fireflies out. Eat my homemade cake and open some more gifts...but sadly that didn't lasted long. Cause of Masky and Hoodie they HAD to ruin everything...and kill almost all the people who actually love me.." I said sadly. Of course I didn't want to tell him about my ex-boyfriend and what he did to me. "I-I f-feel really b-bad for y-you..your a-almost l-like me.." *tic* He said. "W-Well i-it's my t-turn" he said. *tells his story because I think you already know his story*
.T i m e s k i p t o y o u a n d t o b y
j u s t n o w v i b i n g and t a l k i n.
Nobody POV:
Y/N and Toby were laughing at each other's jokes and hanging out. Talking about random subjects one of them about waffles. Little did Y/N knew Toby might've had a little feelings for them. And that two of the pastas were already awake and listening to the WHOLE thing. (Puppeteer and EJ cause yes.)
My smile turned into a little frown when I heard "W-Well I s-should p-probably head t-to m-my room n-now since i-it's 4 am." He said "Aww ok well I'll see you at breakfast and remember you have to cook with me." O-Of
c-course princess" he said smoothly. I felt myself turning red and to make things worse then I hear him chuckle and say "n-never heard s-someone g- give you a-a cute n-nickname? Oh w-well b-bye-bye p-princess. C-cya l-later." *tic* "Whatever cya soon bae" I then said. That's how our cute nickname fight started. {Ew cringe} [be quiet Delaney] I said to her. He turned red and speed walked upstairs.
Toby POV:
"Whatever cya soon bae" Y/N said. I turned absolutely red, I couldn't even say anything anymore so I sped walked up. I went to the proxie room. I saw Masky up just having a sip of water. He saw me and said "Why are you red like a tomato?" "N-None o-of your b-business" "I bet you went to see someone downstairs, guessing it's the newbie?" "Maybe or m-maybe n-not"*tic* Jesus how did he know. "I don't believe you but whatever good night"
"G-Goodnight" That was the last thing I said before just wearing a white shirt a some shorts and going to bed. Can't wait to cook with Y/N yay!
.A n o t h e r h o u r t i m e s k i p.
It was now 5 am and I saw EJ come down stairs. "Hey EJ" I said to him. "Hello Darling" He said. (Remember that's your killers name is.) {He's smirking under his mask! Somethings up,Ask him what's up with that} [Are you sure Bad?] {Yes!} "Why are you smirking?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "Don't play dumb my friend is telling me you're smirking" I said. I mean was I lying though. "Ok I don't know how you know but I heard you and Toby warming up to you." He said. "Were you ease dropping on us! And what about?" "Well Tobys been looking down a bit, seeing you make him comfortable around you AND making him see a bit happy is really nice. Cause some people make fun of him here even though they know what's he been through. It's really sad but they won't stop." EJ said. I think I'm blushing but not that much and not embarrassed about it. But when I heard Toby being picked on I was suddenly hit by rage. "What who?! I will make them pay!" I asked angrily. "I think Jeff,sometimes Ben,and a mad Masky." "Thank you EJ" I had death in my eyes ready about to hurt Jeff especially. He and the other two will pay. Because Toby has been through so much 1. 2 he's the sweetest. 3 he can't control his tics.
They looked scary and furious when I said Toby was getting picked on. I'm kinda scared for what they planned for the three boys. Then they told me "Do cannibals cook organs?" They asked. "Some do, some don't like me but, I never tried. Why ask?" I said. "Well I'm cooking with Toby breakfast and I wanna know about you and see if you wanna try it?" They said. "Have you ever cooked a organ?" I asked nervously. "Nope! Butttt I'll be willing to try." "Um sure you'll find the kidneys in the fridge." "Ok I'll try my best for yours!" They said excitedly. "Um thanks I guess well good luck." "Thanks" they said. I went to grab a glass of water and head upstairs to my room waiting for 9:45 a.m. for breakfast. So imma just read a human body volume 103.
Hi Me again! I hope you like this chapter and the song I picked! Sorry for the long update that's on me. But love your hair today!! ✨✨ imma see you at my next chapter. Oh and the word count issssss 1370 good night/morning/afternoon my lovely's bye!

Devil Darling!(Ticci Toby x Reader)
FanficYour abusive parents went out for a week. You and your friends are gonna celebrate in a forest but not a huge party. You met slenderman at a young age but somehow you stop going there. Your in University ,gets bullied even people are supposed to gro...