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(A/N: hey y'all! In this chapter Toni is pregnant and Cher takes care of her! Just fluffy Choni.)

No time skip

Cheryls POV

We had been trying to get pregnant for a while. We wanted to have a baby through a pregnancy and also adopt a child, as well. Cheryl and I went back and forth on whether or not we wanted to have a baby through an anonymous sperm donor or if we wanted to have someone we knew father our child.

Eventually, we decided to just try our luck and picked an anonymous donor and at first, it didn't work. Toni was the one to try to get pregnant and I could see after each time the sperm didn't take, she got more and more sad and lost her will to keep trying. But finally, one day I came home and saw her chugging water. "Alright babe it's time to see if our most recent time worked." She said and I nodded, sitting down next to her and cuddling into her side.

"Babe if this doesn't work, it will eventually. Hell, I'll even do it, and get pregnant. Either way, I love you. You're perfect, Toni." I said to her and she smiled.

We cuddled until she finally had to pee again. "Let's do this babe". She said and I smiled, waiting in our room as she peed in the bathroom next door. She washed her hands and came out waiting next to me for the timer to go off, which would indicate that it was time to look at the tests. She had enough pee to do a few tests.

After the time we waited, she said "babe I can't look. You do it." So I did. I picked up a test and saw PREGNANT written in big bold letters.

I gasped and picked up another test, same thing. The third and fourth had two lines which meant pregnant. "Holy fucking shit babe you're pregnant!" I said and she immediately burst into tears, as did i. "We're having a baby! Oh my god!" She said and we jumped up and down holding hands, giggling like kids in a candy store. I kissed her. "I can finally call you my baby mama." I whispered and she laughed. I bent down and looked up at her. "Damn I love you." I said. "I love you more." She said. "Can I kiss your belly baby?" I asked, careful to have her consent first. "There's no bump yet but sure babe." She said.

I rolled up her shirt and kissed her belly. "Hi baby. You're my future son, daughter or child if you prefer gender neutral terms. Anyway, I love you more than life itself and you don't know how badly your mom and I wanted you. I know mommy will keep you safe and warm for the next 9 months, you'll love her, she's the best." I said and Toni blushed. "See you soon baby." I said and rolled her shirt back down. "You will be the best mom," she said. "Thanks amour, so will you." I said and she gave me an Eskimo kiss.

Toni and I were so ecstatic about her being pregnant! I had to admit, though I was happy I was also nervous as hell. I kept thinking I wouldn't be a good mom.

Until one night I shared those feelings with Toni maybe a week after we found out. "Babe. I know it's still so early but I'm really nervous about being a parent. Like, what if I'm not good enough for you or our baby or both? I'd give anything to protect and love you two but I don't know.. maybe I'm just insecure or something." "Don't be insecure my love. I know that's way easier said than done but..." she said as she turned to straddle my waist. "You are the best damn wife in the world. Before that you were the best fiancé in the world. Before that you were the best girlfriend in the world. Before that you were the best friend in the world. And by the way you're still my best friend. There's no one I'd rather have a baby with than you. You'll be the best mom ever." She said and a tear rolled down my face. "Thank you babe." "My pleasure angel."

The next day Cheryl and I decided to tell our closest friends and family that we were expecting. So, we first called Betty (who Cheryl had gotten closer with since she's the only blood relative left besides nana rose that Cheryl still talks to) Jughead, Archie, Veronica, sweet pea, Reggie, fangs and Kevin over for a dinner party, at which we would announce the pregnancy. They all agreed to come and it was decided that the party would be at 7 with Chinese food ordered in. In fact, we invited the group to bring bags if they wanted to sleep over. Betty, Jughead and Kevin said yes to sleeping over.

"Hello everyone and welcome to this fantastic night of fun that you've been invited to!" Cheryl said and I smiled. "Welcome yall, let's sit down to eat." I said as the food had gotten to our house a few minutes before everyone arrived (everyone told us their orders before they came).

"Wine anyone?" Cheryl asked and winked at me slightly so no one saw. "Yeah I'll have some." Kevin said. "Same." Betty and SweetPea said. "None for me babe." I said. "That's right TT." Cher agreed and everyone looked at us suspiciously, but ignored it. After a while, and after we ate, I grabbed the announcement we planned to use for this time.

Cheryl and I had decided together to print beer bottle labels and offe them to the group with Cheryl drinking one that said "mom to be" on the label as the other says "congrats" or "baby due ___" since I can't drink. So, after another hour or so we offered them up. "Who would like a beer?" Cheryl asked and some people raised their hands. "My love can I just have some ice water? Not in the mood for beer". I said and she nodded with a smile on her face. "Of course babe...1..2..3..4 beers and one ice water coming right up!" She said and scurried away into the kitchen.

Cheryl came back with a tray of drinks. "A water for my queen, with five ice cubes because you're a five star girlfriend." She said and the boys playfully rolled their eyes. "That was corny but cute as hell." Veronica said and I agreed, kissing her cheek. "Then, a beer for the lads, and one for me." She said as she handed each beer to the boys and then herself. She cracked it open and took a sip, making sure to subtly show the logo that said "mama to be" on it.

"Uhm is there a reason my beer says "future uncle"? Kevin asked. "Mine says "baby topaz 2023." Jughead read out. "Well yes there is a reason Kevin and Jug!" I said. Cheryl and I looked at each other at the same time and smiled. "Oh my god are y'all pregnant?!" "Well Toni is pregnant she's the one going through pregnancy and eventually labor and delivery." She said trying to give me all the credit. "You're cute babe but we are expecting, yes." I said and we smiled into a kiss.


Time skip a week

Cheryls POV

Today Toni and I decided to announce our pregnancy on social media. We told people in person but wanted to post it on our social media as well!

We posted a photo of us two kissing and holding her belly, with another of me bending down and kissing Toni's tummy.

I captioned my photo:

@cherrybomb: "Serpent Queen, wife, teacher, friend, sister, and now a mommy! I love you mon amour, can't wait to have so many more beautiful babies with u!"

Toni captioned hers:

@topaztoni12: "I've always dreamed of motherhood, and finally Cheryl and I are expecting our first child, due March 2023! I love you so much already baby"

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