School Bus

901 21 63

Smut Warning
I am very sorry for forgetting to put this here. Thank you person in the comments who reminded me. :]

It felt like a very long week at school because of the extensive testing the past week. It was midterm time and more tests than necessary were taken in five days.

Eret was sitting, slumped over, with a drowsy look on his face. His hand was pressed up against the side of his face.  It was 2:35, in 10 minutes the class is free to go home and enjoy their 2 day weekend.

Well, actually, it is going to be more than that. Next week the entirety of the 11 and 12th-grade class will be going on a trip. The trip will take place at a wildlife reserve, the students will be put through many different activities and experiences. There will be a lot of different things that the students will encounter. There has always been good feedback about this trip, from the food to the dorms, to the scenery. Eret couldn't wait to get up at 4 a.m. on Monday. There was only ever one complaint about this trip and that was the drive.

It took about 6-7 hours to get there.

The teacher walked into the classroom, the student council members filing in beside him.

"Class, pay attention. The council members are here to go over some things before the trip." The teacher announced in a fairly exaggerated tone. The student president walked up to the podium with a white sheet of paper.

"I was asked by the teachers to go over the list of things that are to not be brought on this trip. Also, to remind the students of some rules." He started, "On the trip, you may not bring tobacco, vapes, alcohol of any kind. No plastic water bottles, only metal ones. No short shorts, skirts, crop tops, dresses, swimsuits, noodle strap tank tops, tights, flip flops, fishnets. It's going to be kind of chilly, we will be going up north. Bring warmer clothes to be in. You cannot also bring any sexual product like condoms, sex toys... Etcetera..." Eret watched a disgusting look form on the president's face as he read that. Eret chuckled softly, hiding his laugh from the rest of the class."Anyway, you can have your phone with you on the bus and in the dorm, but you must go to bed at 10. Boys and Girls are to stay away from each other's dorms if a pair of students are caught fornicating. They will be failed for the semester which means that they will have to either take junior or senior year over again. Also, every student is to bring a book that they would want to read, also mechanical or sharpened pencils, and plan for the weather." With that, the President stepped away from the podium and looked at the time.

When the president looked away from the time, both his and Eret's eyes locked for a second.

"That is all we needed."

It was now 2:42.

The student council walked out of the room. "Remember that you have your packets at home. Read through them and get a lay of what you should be bringing Monday morning." A few minutes later the bell rung and the students hurried to their perspective mode of transportation.


It was currently, 3:30 in the morning. Eret was on his way to the school with his dad, who was going to be a chaperone on the trip. "Are you excited?" He asked with an audible smile. Eret, too tired out of his mind, hummed. Yes, he was excited to go on the trip, he was excited for a lot of reasons, but there was a main reason. When they got to school, Eret and his father joined the huge group of students. It was dark out, a billowing wave of dark clouds floated overhead, the sun had not yet peaked through the waves. The group was split into classes, which were 11th and 12th grade. Normally, there would only be one bus, but because of the size of this year's classes, the school had to rent out 2 buses for the week. Luggage was placed into the trailer behind the bus, things like blankets and pillows were brought with. Along with devices and headphones.

Well, you see I... - Feret (One-Shots) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now