4.7 The Dethroned

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The Tenth Prince unexpectedly dug a pit of his own grave!

The Soldiers next to the Crown Prince pulled out their swords and pointed them against the Tenth Prince. He was surprised at this, and that expression was caught by the Crown Prince. The Crown prince smiled before leisurely walking closer to him. 

"Tenth Prince, do you think that everyone will still listen to you after I became the crown prince? You must be dreaming while awake, Tenth prince. The soldiers, servants, everyone in the palace will bow down and obey me! As for you, nobody will be left by your side!" The Crown Prince has a nasty smirk on his lips as he looks up to his youngest brother. 

There's no familial piety between the two of them and they were always after the greed and lust like their father, how could this tenth prince not be the same? That is why the Crown Prince is thinking of cleaning the palace thoroughly. If he rid of the people with the same goal as him, then the absolute control of this island will be only his and no one else's. 

The Tenth Prince, however, calmed down and looked at everyone outside of his residence. These fools think that he was some kind of immature and pushover child that they could threaten, tsk, they're looking down on him too much. 

"Tenth Prince, I advise you to just surrender and get captured, Otherwise you will have a fate worse than death." The Crown Prince threatened the tenth prince as he pulled out his long golden sword and pointed the tip towards his brother. 

Silence ensued outside the residence of the Tenth Prince. Everyone watched as the Tenth Prince put his sword back to the hilt before he went back inside his palace and slammed the gates shut. Everyone was surprised at this and didn't get to move from their places in shock. When they were able to surpass their surprise, the tenth prince's residence was covered with a protective dome that would not let any outsiders inside the residence. 

The Crown Prince gritted his teeth in anger as he looked up at the protective dome. That dome was something that nobody could copy from the very first emperor of this land! His deceased Emperor father once told him in passing that the First Emperor of this land was a very powerful light attribute user and that he can purify and protect anything! 

However his powers were not passed down to the rest of the generation for some reason, and the legend of the first emperor just became a myth. However, seeing this kind of light that was surrounding the Tenth Prince's residence, could he hypothesize that he was the one who got the power of the light attribute from the First Emperor?! How could that be?! It's so illogical! 

"Stand on guard and make sure that the Tenth Prince will not leave his residence! Immediately report to me if you see him out!" The Crown Prince shouted before he turn around and went back to his residence. The servants went back to their work while the guards went around and were stationed close to the entrance and exits of the tenth prince residence. 

"The tenth prince is a bit foolish, why did he put up a barrier in his residence? He doesn't have enough food and water to last for two months, he's just making it hard for us," One of the guards that were stationed at the entrance of the residence mumbled while frowning as he stood there. The soldier that was next to him nodded his head before saying,

"That is true, Sometimes naive people think they're saving themselves when in truth they are not at all, hahaha!" 

What they didn't know is that the Tenth Prince was not paying attention to them and instead, looking back to the Golden Egg that has a large number of cracks visible on the eggshell. 

'Will the beast inside survive? or it didn't? Should I try and crack it open myself?' The Tenth Prince couldn't help but ask himself while looking at the Golden Egg sitting on the soft cushion in front of him. 

When he tried to touch the golden egg, an invisible shield suddenly repelled him that made him jolt up in shock. He now confirmed that the beast inside the Golden Egg was alive and was still in the process of hatching. 

"But how long will it hatch? Will it be under the duration where the White dome is still existing or do I have to move while waiting for it to hatch? Haizz, I hope I have some sort of spatial dimension where I can safeguard the Golden Egg!" The Tenth prince sighed before he laid down next to the Golden Egg and focused his attention on it while hatching. There are at least three-five cracks happening every ten minutes. He doesn't have the knowledge to understand why it was like that, but the Host who was now able to converse with the System was finally able to understand his dilemma. 

[Feline System: Host, How are you? How was the five years of being stuck in the golden egg, hmm? Did you had fun?] The System's leisure question while snickering irked the Host and cannot help but shout at this doggone system.

"You useless system! How could you leave me without information inside this damnable egg?! How could you, huh?! Do you know how much time passed?! and how much time I wasted while sitting inside that Golden Egg?! Pei!" The Host shouted with indignation. But the system just shrugged it off before taunting its host one more. 

[Feline System: What? Are you going to curse me more or are you going to listen to the information that you didn't get your hands on from the past five years? Come on, make up your mind,] The System said while chuckling, The Host frowned at this before giving a side comment,

"Why do you sound like a villain? did you convert or something?"

[Feline System: Of course, Like what I told you before, the system adjusted to the progress of the Host. So you don't need to be taken by surprise every time. ] The system said before telling him the information he needed. 

[Feline System: Regarding the growth of the Golden Egg, There should be at least 15-20 years for the maturity of the egg. Then it needs a few months to gather its own Qi before it builds its own dantian so that it can ascend to immortality. Because of that greedy King who stole you from the Luminance Country, You are not bound together but you did take his Qi and cultivation progress so you're in a reasonable stage right now. However, because you are not on the mainland, your growth progress of course slowed down and the Qi inside this island is very scarce for you to grow so- you're a malnourished beast. 

However, if you contracted the Tenth Prince, who was very attentive to you right now, you can go ahead and reach immortality without much effort- that is if! This tenth Prince will take you back to the Mainland and cultivate there as well.]

"So I have to get out of this Golden egg, make a contract with that prince and go back to the mainland? Seems pretty easy." The Host thought as he keep trying to get rid of the golden eggshell around him. 

[Feline System: Hehe, easy he said, hehehe ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) ] 

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