5. the beginning

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~ octavia ~


"what the fuck just happened?!" pheonix just stares, "listen here you creep! first you stalked me then you kidnapped me, you committed several crimes! now you've taken me to a really random but pretty place by a fucking portal! so you better get explaining pretty boy!"

"listen, octavia, i don't have to explain shit, you're my prisoner, but, because i'm the gentleman i am i will let you in on something, your a nephilim and a pretty powerful one at that. you're the one we have been looking for, and i found you, so we need to go cause i can't wait till my father sees you!"


"wait, wait, wait, wait, a nephilim? what the fuck is that? are you on drugs? did you give me drugs?! is that why i'm seeing all this shit?"

"for fuck sake, yes octavia, a nephilim...an angel and a human! jesus, i know you're trying to trick me! i know you are aware of what you are made for!"

he's fucking crazy.

i've been kidnapped by a crazy hot guy.

wiggling my wrists i remember my wrists are still tied, fuck nugget.

my feet aren't...


i take off running away from pheonix, brushing through the forest, trees harshly whipping my face. the cold winds are howling as i hear his heavy footsteps grow louder, so i run faster, i need to hide, i need to get away. up ahead i see a large cliff.

"octavia! stop fucking running, you're going to get lost, these woods are dangerous!"

his footsteps are close behind, my legs are aching, i'm out of breath. my run slows as the cliff comes nearer, please have water at the bottom. i look down, there's no water.

"there's no where to go, come over to me and we will be on our way octavia, i'm not dealing with your shit right now!"

my feet are right at the edge, the rocky surface below being my only escape. he walks closer, slowly, cautiously.

"don't get any closer! i'll jump!"

"don't be stupid! you'll die octavia!"

i don't care.

"what's your father going to do to me then? won't be any different from the way you explained it. i don't even know what i am, i'm scared, you sound fucking crazy!

"octavia i can ex-no!"

i'm falling, falling backwards.


the wind striking me on my downfall, it was peaceful. pheonix hanging over the edge of the cliff, horrified.

suck on that.

i close my eyes, welcoming my end.

except it never comes.

hands wrap around my waist, securing me against them. then it stops, i am no longer falling. i open my eyes to reveal his green ones, pheonix, with wings. black wings.

what the fuck?

"you're a stupid little girl! what were you thinking?! you could have died!"

he has wings.

we went through a portal.

we aren't on earth.

he's flying.

he can teleport.

he's magic.

i'm magic?

and then everything goes black.

~ pheonix ~


father put me in charge to bring back this nephilim and of course she's a pain in my arse.

kill me now.

octavia was knocked out on the back of the horse i got from the nearest town, tied up and gagged of course, better be safe then sorry. it's at least another days journey to the castle, i don't know how much i can take of octavia.


i hear a groan from behind me as i realise octavia is waking up, just my luck.

"afternoon, sleeping bitch, how was your nana nap?" i receive a muffled fuck you from the girl.

"i believe i should be hearing a thankyou pheonix, you very attractive man for saving my pathetic life!"

"i hopthe phou dthie bwitch!"

such a lady.

"go back to sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us", a long journey indeed.

~ octavia ~

why is it so dark?

by the time i awoke we had set up camp only to realise it was dark. pheonix lit a fire and ever so kindly tied me to a tree, how loving.

i'm going to castrate him.

"you hungry?" he hands me a piece of questionable meat, "it's rabbit!"

hell no.

"no thanks", i sigh and pass it back to him.

"you deserve to starve anyways bitch! ungrateful, i saved your life!"

i can't deal with him.

"i'm going to sleep, night", shaking from the cool weather. as i'm drifting off i feel the warmth of a blanket draped over the front of me i drift into a peaceful sleep.

i wonder what the morning will bring?

hey sexies! hope you enjoy! next update this weekend <3

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