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2D just stared at me who was just laying trapped under his grasp. "Uh D?" I brought him back to reality. I knew if I didn't something was bound to happen, "oh ye sorry luv" he let go of me and sat next to me. I got up and rubbed my wrist "sorry i just don't want to rush things" i placed my head on his side.

He didn't reply.

"I have to go to Renn probs here to pick me up" I got up and went to kiss his cheek but it was replaced by his lips "Gah! You cheeky kiss thief" i said "'sorry just couldn't help and i understand if yew wanna take it slow , it of the many things i like about yew' ' those words made my heart explode i wanted to know more but i had to leave.

"Bye D" i waved bye from the door , shutting the door i saw Murdoc "AAAH ,few it's just you" i was sacred by the green pickle man " love you know faceache ain't gonna take it slow your just a rebound for paula" he had his arm around my shoulder 'a rebound nah murdoc just tryna to trick me' "Mudz it good to see your finally taking your therapist advice and looking out for others but im sorry 'faceach' and i have a date soon".

i knew listing to murdoc would only give me a headache and i didn't need that "alright love but if hiding something like who on the phone with or what he doing just remember paula was his number 1 before you" he walked off probably to call one of his 'pets' . '

a rebound paula number 1 stu hiding things i always knew mudroc was out to get D but not like this'.

I walked to Renn car and got in they could tell i was in the wrong headspace " alright what did he do this time" they asked while pulling out of the driveway "i'm a just a rebound to stu" the car came to holt i almost flew into glovebox "YOU ARE NOT A REBOUND AND EVEN IF THE BLUE HAIRED IS USING FOR THAT HE WOULD HE JUST HIT AND QUIT IT" they cupping my face like a mamma bear with their cub "what if i am and stu just doing the long around to get into my pants" "*sigh* well lets if he is what would he have done to make you think like that?" their hands were back on the steering wheel "well D done nothing but be nice , the only thing i can think of is when i came into his room he hid phone when he realized i was their and pinned me to the bed after that-" "OKAY WHAT HE DID THAT" the car came to a halt aging..

I walked to Renn car and got in they could tell i was in the wrong headspace " alright what did he do this time" they asked while pulling out of the driveway "i'm a just a rebound to stu" the car came to holt i almost flew into glovebox "YOU ARE N...

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Hey guys i will be taking a beark for my perosnal life and im working on next few chapters sooo yeah but thank you for the surrpourt 150 reads WOOP WOOP thank you for reading and enjoy ypu day , night or evening ~Loser

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