psychology models - psychopathology

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Ronald J Comer - Abnormal Psychology

Freud - hysteria - hypnosis

ID >> Ego >> Super Ego

fixed on a stage and still deriving pleasure from that part - fixation - happens while development of child

Oedipus complex / Electra complex - 3/4 yrs - phallic

Socializing - latent

McDougall - about Freud - "advancement"

Strange - about Freud - "innocent and sexless"

Freud's colleagues : Adler and Jung

- presented different theories, did not agree with him.

Psychodynamic - imp for modern psychology

Jung - collective conscious

Adler - to dominate others, to overcompensate for innate inferiority

Erik Eriksson - psychosocial development : development of integrated and unique ego

Objects relation theory : people (external objects) are imp

Internal relationship >> external relations

Self theory : role of the self, development and maintenance of ego

Kohut : parental acceptance that  child gets >> self development

Behaviorist - lab experiment research

Behaviorist : Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, Thorndike, Miller

Three theories of conditioning :
Instrumental conditioning aka operant
Classical conditioning aka Pavlovian

Neutral stimulus - metronome

Association between metronome sound and following food presentation - law of temporal contiguity

Pavlov studies - 1890-1930

Dying of response - extinction

Thorndike -

Experience pain  > avoids  behavior

Gets satisfaction > continues behavior

Trial and Error

Aggressive behaviour can be learnt by imitation - Ross and Ross

Albert Bandura -
Positive self efficacy > effective behavior > sense of self worth > happiness (motivation)

* Cognitive behavioral theory

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