Chapter 6: Late night chats

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Techno led me to his room and seemed nervous. I can understand why, we just had a huge meaningful conversation and now I'm going to be sleeping in his room. I snapped out of my trance when he began talking to me again. "So I will probably sleep on the floor so you can get the bed." I shook my head. "No, it's your room, you should get the bed." I said as he chuckled. "But as courtesy you should have the bed since you are the guest." "Absolutely not." I was not putting up with this tonight. After a couple more minutes of arguing he was standing right in front of his bed so I took the opportunity to be a sneaky bitch. I pushed him right onto his bed and straddled him. "You are sleeping on the bed and that is final." I was staring him down when I felt something poked into my leg. My face flushed red as did Techno's. "I u-um I'll give you some time to handle yourself." I stood up quickly and rushed out of the room.

After about five minutes Techno opened the door. "H-hey you can come back now." I nodded my head and kept it low to the ground. When I entered the room I looked around again. I saw a bunch of history books on the shelfs. That was something that we always had in common: our love for history. I giggled and picked out a book about Greek mythology. When I looked at the book I noticed a certain page was marked with another page in it. When I opened it I saw a hand drawn picture of myself on the same page as the goddess Nyx. I blushed as I read the little notes in the book. When Techno came back in the room I hid the book from him and kept it close to me.

"So I decided, why don't we just cuddle, it's only one night and you can say no if you want to." I giggled at how nervous he was and nodded my head "That works for me Techy." I said. I sat on the edge of the bed pushing the book onto the night stand beside the side I would lay on. He walked over to the opposite side of the bed and climbed in. Being close to him again made me realize just how lonely I was without him.

We laid there in silence. It was impossible for me to sleep. I stood up slowly and grabbed the book off the nightstand. Techno was very asleep and it was adorable. As I snuck out of the room I went down the stairs to the front porch. When I stepped out the cold air hit my skin refreshing my mind. I went to the steps and sat down on the first one. I was immersed in the comments in the book for so long.

Nyx-My goddess of beauty and yet my goddess of darkness.

Beautiful pale skin and gorgeous golden eyes. Those eyes could pierce your soul and make you give her your soul. I love her and want her to be mine.

Nyx disappeared...I will find her even if it takes me a whole lifetime.

I fucked up. My goddess is gone and I don't know what to do.

Wilbur drew this picture for me based on how I described her. It helps to see it at times when I miss her. Although the picture doesn't compare to her beauty.

Before I could continue reading the notes in the book and around the picture I heard the door open and close. I look up and see Wilbur smiling at me. I smiled back at him as he sat down next to me. "So, dad told me everything that happened. It makes sense because he was gone a lot during that time." I nodded my head and held the book closer to my chest. "Techno can't know, If he knew it would kill him." I said as I looked down to my lap. "He will always love you more than mom and dad live with each other. I find it beautiful. When you first went missing he came to me asking me to draw a picture of you. The way he described it made it seem like you were an angel sent down from heaven. But now that I know you it's clear that you are a demon. A demon made to love." he finished off his sentence with a smile.

I smiled back at him and giggled. "I saw the picture, you are a wonderful artist." I say pulling the book from my lap where he couldn't see it. He looked down at the picture and smiled. "Did you know that when you disappeared nothing else mattered to him. Me and him went on hour long drives just to find you. Who knew that you would be the lead flagger of the strip." he finished. "And a bartender." I said holding up a finger. We both stayed quiet for a moment before I spoke again. "Is it bad that even with the Amnesia I could only think of him. I couldn't remember his face but when he kept appearing around me the dreams I had came back to me." I asked quietly. This subject was hard for me to talk about. "No, I don't think that's bad. You both were reaching for each other in different ways. You became stronger and he became more open to things." Wilbur was quiet and he didn't seem to have any troubles talking. "I-I haven't been able to sleep for months. Nightmares of what happened still scar me and I never talk to anyone about it." I said as my voice cracked tears threatening to spill at any moment.

Wilbur wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We heard the front door open again. We both looked behind us to see Karl holding my phone in his hands. "Nyx, something bad happened." he stated quietly. I looked at the phone and read the message that had popped up.

To whom this may concern due to the passing of Onyx Eclipse we are inclined to inform you of the information needed. The funeral will be held this coming monday. After the funeral will be a reading of his will and testimony. All friends and family are involved the most important people required are as followers:

Philza and family

Nyx eclipse

Rose blanche

More information will be available to these people.

The tears that I had been fighting this whole time finally spilled. I could hear running through the house and when the front door finally slammed open I looked up to see Phil scared and worry written all over his face. When he saw me he slid over and wrapped his arms around me allowing me to cry into his chest. He looked at Wilbur. "Go get him now." that one sentence made everyone move quickly. Karl went and woke everyone up aside from Techno. Wilbur was in charge of waking Techno up. When everyone was awake they met in the living room. Phil decided it was best for me to sleep. He took me back up to Techno's room and laid me down. I slowly started losing consciousness as he whispered soothing words, just like father used to do when I had nightmares.

Nothing would ever be the same anymore. I was alone and all of my family was gone. No one was left. All I had was myself and my friends. I slipped into a deep sleep and would not allow myself to cut my sleep short. 


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