Chapter 3 - Abode

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The honeymoon was blissful, and Dipper could scarcely believe that it had been three weeks already. They had lost track of time and the days. His phone had reminded him last night that they left in the morning. They had traveled light...well light for Pacific Pines was still enough to almost break Dipper's back as he lifted her two large bags into the car that would take them out to the boat. It was a fifteen-minute boat ride from the resort located on a private motu (islet) in French Polynesia's Leeward Islands along a tranquil turquoise lagoon back to the Bora Bora airport.

They spoke here and there on the flight back to the states but mostly just took comfort in being near one another. Pacifica fell asleep on Dipper's shoulder while he softly stroked her blonde hair as it fell in radiant sheets over his chest. His heart somehow had grown even more for this young woman, now his wife, over the course of the honeymoon. He couldn't imagine ever wanting to leave her. The thought seemed foreign and hostile as it invaded the sanctity of his peaceful bliss. He would always be there for her. After everything she had been through he was determined he would be there for her showing her how to love and laugh again each day finding the best in herself and others.

At the Portland International airport, an extremely overly excited Mabel bounded over to them as they came out by the baggage claim in her usual violent florescent rainbow of colors. Gideon trailed behind her at a more civilized pace, a grin plastered on his face at Mabel's usual array of antics. Dipper was struggling while trying to lift Pacifica's second bag from the baggage carousel while holding the first. Gideon reached over and lifted the second bag with ease much to Dipper's relief and gratitude. None the less Gideon took a poke at Pacifica. "I thought you two went on a honeymoon, not a geological excavation, cuz." Pacifica narrowed her eyebrows at him while Mabel bust out laughing, "I get it, cause they are heavy as rocks." She doubled over snickering till Dipper poked her in the ribs lightly making her jump with a shrill yelp. "Got a hug for your bro-bro?" Mabel dove upward wrapping Dipper up in a surprisingly strong hug. She held her head over his shoulders as she sniffed back tears. Dipper felt the tears as they dropped on his t-shirt upon his back. He pulled Mabel back to look her in the eyes. "Mabes, are you ok?"

Mabels face flashed nervously for a moment before she put on a smile. "I just really missed the two of you," she said softly. Dipper made a mental note that something was up. He knew Mabel better than anyone when she was hiding something, not to mention she was bad at it. Being bad at hiding her true emotions or lying was actually a credit to her character. Mabel was one of the most honest people he knew even if she did wear her heart on her sleeve. Dipper had always been more reserved with his affections...well maybe not this last few weekends he thought with a  smirk. He was still concerned for Mabel and vowed to pay close attention to her now that they were back. Dipper kissed the top of her head. "I missed you too, but trust me it was better we had the space. 

Mabel's face now split into a wide almost devious grin. Uh oh...he knew that look. It was usually the one he got right before she- "So Dipper," Mabel started derailing his organized train of thought. "I'm sure you and the lovely Pacifica 'Pines' had lots to see and do." She said emphasizing the word Pines as she wagged her eyebrows making Dipper frown at the insinuation. He couldn't fathom why she would be so interested in his love life. Personally, the thought of her kissing Gideon was still taking some time to get used to. Mabel barreled on full steam ahead despite Dipper's frown. "So did you two plant a little Pine tree yet?" she said mischievously making Dipper blush and oddly enough made Pacifica pump her fists in the air.

Pacifica turned to Gideon and said, "Less than five minutes. Ante up." Gideon grumbled. "All right you guys coffee's for everyone on me." Mabel did a wiggling victory dance while a few people in the airport gave Mabel weird looks. Dipper was used to it by now and wasn't even phased. In fact, he had started to tune it out by now. Like how he tuned out political talks at parties or holiday events where he would rather cherish his time with friends and family. Pacifica meanwhile smugly said, "We had a bet going via text," Thanks, cuz, your such a gentleman." Gideon rolled his eyes while Mabel jumped up onto Gideon's back wrapping her skinny legs around his waist while clinging to his neck with her arms. Her chin rested on his broad shoulder. "Yeah, a dreamy hunk of a gentleman." Dipper and Pacifica in unison said, "Ugh!" Pacifica put on her jersey accent more thickly with attitude and said, "Whatever." Dipper leaned over laughing while Mabel completely distracted now was running her hands over his muscles. Dipper said, "Mabel, stop being creepy." Pacifica said, "try to keep the touchy-feely stuff till we get to the car." Dipper smirked, "Yeah...wait what??" Mabel stuck out her tongue in victory while Pacifica grinned at the twin's antics.

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