Chapter 10 - The Hideout

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Dipper had been so focused on his conversation with great uncle Ford and Grunkle Stan that he almost missed Pacifica slipping out of the cave. After excusing himself he rushed after her and made his way up the rocky exit. It would do no use to call out to her as the thunderous roar of the falls drowned out almost all other noise. Dipper focused on his footing and made his way back to the rocky outcrop of a trail leading back to the HMMWV. Dipper then as the sounds of falls began to diminish from a deafening roar he called out, "Pacifica!"

Startled Pacifica turned around quickly but relaxed when she recognized the voice and saw Dipper. "What do you want Pines?" she said not exactly sounding vexed, but more or less sounding shy of hospitable. Dipper put his hand in his pockets as he slowed to a walk. "I thought you lived here with everyone else?" he asked. Pacifica laughed dryly with a mirthless air. "No," she said simply not offering any more explanation than that. Dipper still felt attached to her in his heart even if she was not 'his' Paz from his dimension, and felt responsible to make sure she was ok and taken care of.

Dipper looked at her as he reached for words to articulate his thought in a palatable form. "Spit it Dipstick I haven't got all day," she said folding her arms across her chest as her eyebrows narrowed. Dipper tried not to focus on how cute and pert she looked when she was cross and rather cleared his throat. "I...I didn't expect you to be leaving so quickly. I just wanted to make sure you are ok and have somewhere safe to stay." Pacifica watched him for a moment before her expression softened into a tired look. "I'll be fine Pines."

Dipper hated to ask but he had to. "You don't live in your mansion still do you?" Pacifica's eyes showed emotion and pain for only a fraction of a second before the guard came down like an anvil. "I can take care of myself Pines. I'm not the one who's off having a picnic with the undead," she said crossly. Dipper put his hands up in deference. "You misunderstand me. I'm just not used to being out of the loop with you. In my dimension, I guess we communicate a little more."

Pacifica eyed him up once again assessing him. "Just exactly what is your relationship to me in your dimension?" she asked shrewdly. Crud, Dipper thought. Pacifica is smart I gotta play this one carefully or could really foul this up. Dipper took a deep breath. "We were not always so good at communicating," Dipper said with a grin. "To be honest this has been like the early days of being friends with 'my' Pacifica for me," Dipper said truthfully with amusement. "We have learned to trust each other and depend on one another." Dipper looked her in the eyes with a deep conviction in his chestnut brown eyes as his eyebrows furrowed in solemn contemplation. "I trust her with my life." Pacifica watched his eyes carefully for deceit. She studied him a moment longer before responding. "Well, I'm headed out to my place. You're welcome to tag along. Just don't expect me to wait up for you." Dipper smiled. "I wouldn't keep a lady waiting," he said with a grin. Pacifica studied him stoically for a moment before she let a small smile tease the edge of her lips.

Dipper chuckled to himself as a thought crossed his mind. Pacifica turned around to look at him quizzically. "And..?" she said waiting for a response. Dipper shook his head, "It's just something trivial." She frowned at him and said, "So much for communication." Her jersey accent laid on thick as she often did when she was trying to be condescending or in this case drive home a point. Dipper chuckled. "You got me there princess. It's just usually in 'my' dimension I oftentimes offer to drive so you have the option to kick back and relax if you want." Pacifica crossed her arms but this time an amused smirk crept across her lips. "Not a chance Pines. The hummer is my baby." Dipper laughed heartily at that his brassy bravado of amusement echoed through the surrounding woods as they trekked back to the vehicle.

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