Chapter 13

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1a. Children of the War Veterans. A legendary set with high hopes in the hearts of many. The school bell rang and their homeroom teacher entered. "Morning everyone..." The teacher greeted me with a drowsy expression. "Morning, Miss Jiro!" They all responded. Pro Hero Earphone Jack working at UA as one of the newest additions was quite the moral boose. As a top 20 hero, her expertise and presence are highly sought after, crafted after years of work. "It's too early for this... Anyway, we've got a guest coming so don't embrace me in front of my friend." She stated calmly.

The 1a students could care little for it. They were literally the offspring of top heroes so even if they didn't know who, it would be that surprising or awe-inspiring. Hiashi sat in his seat, knowing who was coming and acting as he usually does.

Suddenly, a presence thicker than fog, almost stifling, entered the room. Slow, heavy footsteps made sounds of metal being slammed to the floor. Then, a voice with the likeness of a knife scraping and breaking against a granite outcrop echoed off the wall. "What do we have here?" It spoke.

Through everyone except Hiashi, a flight or fight response awoken but they froze, their instincts forcing them to slightly recoil or prostrate themselves to the most dominant in the room. The sound of metal repeated until the figure creating it came into full view.

Pro Hero: One For All, in his armour known as The Mantle, weighs over 500 kilograms and stands at 7'1. His broad soldiers resembled steel bars laid onto a thick frame. His muscles weren't as big as some thought. They were average for someone his age and most of the arm mass they saw was from the padding and armour platings.

His gaze ran through the students like a cosmic ray not of this plain. "Kyoka, didn't Mr Aizawa teach us discipline?" He asked softly. The teacher nodded blankly. "And yet, I have not been greeted." In response, a well built, male student with modest length blue hair stood to his feet. His dark brown eyes tried to convey confidence but Izuku was not fooled.

"Sir! Welcome to UA class 1A. We're honoured to be in your presence." He announced loudly. "I'm." Izuku held his hand up. "You're Tenya's kid. I wonder, is he a prick like his father?" He asked Kyoka. "Yup." She whispered.

"P-please don't talk about my father like-" He got a side glare. "Y'know I've been meaning to get some help with my attitude." He nervously chuckled before sitting down. Izuku grunted before wincing. "Yo, OFA. Introduce yourself, will ya?" Kyoka murmured. "Well, I'm currently bleeding out so that might be hard." He replied, much to everyone's surprise.

"Midoriya, for the love of god!" Kyoka shouted, forcing herself to his side and observing a hole in his undersuit. "Kids, he may be the number 1 hero, but he's a dumbass." She cursed. "It is healing. Leave me in peace." He sighed. "Just like the old days. Y'know, we aren't young anymore." She acknowledged. "And yet I move like a 20-year-old man." He bantered. "Yeah, remember that time with the two-"

"We agreed not to talk about that... Ever." He growled. "Mm." They looked to the scared or confused students. "Don't worry, he doesn't bad. His wife has him on a leash." Kyoka joked. "For the record, I am not a sub." He objected as he slapped a small patch on his wound.

He lifted his helmet a little, letting the young ones peek under it. His scarred, freckled face bore a wide smile. They wondered how someone who looks so happy has such a voice and even inhabits such a body. If anything, he looks like a villain.

"Suit up!" He ordered before leaving the room. They were frozen. Kyoka rolled her eyes. "You heard the man! I ain't running a hotdog stand. Suit up and head to City Gamma. Buck up students, you're Rollin with the big boys!"

Later that day

Izuku quickly made it to the showers after stripping his heroware. After cleansing himself, he suited up, not in new armour, but in a pair of jeans, a sweater and tie underneath. He slipped on a pair of fake glasses and admired himself. He looked like a god damn teacher he was proud. He made his way to Classroom 1-G. The class assigned for extra classes such as Ethics.

He entered the classroom with a straight mouth and looked over the 15 or so students, including his daughter and niece. "Aight imma be real with yall." He spoke with his grave voice. Nana was shocked, now realizing the true difference between his hero voice and normal voice. He must have a voice modifier or maybe it's the innate resonance of the Mantle's helmet that gave him a synthetic god-like voice. But this unaltered voice had the rasp but was soothing, a fatherly tone and aggressive rumble echoing in his throat as if the legendary Steve Downes rose back to life or reincarnated into his broken yet unmatched vocal cords. "I am tired as hell. I have not slept in days and I could care less if you want to be here." He continued, surveying the class and then turned to write his name. "My name is Izuku Aizawa. Welcome to Ethics class."

He took out a textbook and loosened his shoulders before sitting in his chair. The book laid open in front of him and his hands were clasped, fingers interlocked. "Ethics. Right and wrong. Good and Evil. We will discuss many topics such as, what is a good life and biases in society. Be noted, I am not racist, sexist or prejudiced in any form. I hate you all equally." He announced with a soft tone. The students just deadpanned. One rose their hands. "Stand. State your name." He ordered. "Sir, Fukuji Jiro."

"Mhm, go ahead," He granted. "What can we come to expect from you, sir. You've been quite...nonchalant." She spoke freely. Izuku stared her down before smiling. 

"Expect me to educate you."

Words 1020

Posted 5/10/2021

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