Chapter 9 - You Learn Something New Everyday

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AN-> I've never had to write the word foot so many times in my life and I am uncomfortable

This particular sunday practice seemed to be so much worse than any of the others. Coach Kataoka felt the need to take over today's practice. And let's just say the team couldn't be happier to be on lunch break. Except it also meant they had to deal with a certain battery's bullshit.

Sawamura, cafeteria tray in hand, squeezes in between Kuramochi and Haruichi at a table. All for his not so subtle goal of sitting opposite to Miyuki. Immediately after the pitcher sits down, a mini tomato was floating in front of his face. Well, not really floating. Since it was being held up by a pair of chopsticks.

"I need to put my act on since the judge is watching." Miyuki leaned over the table, and grinned as he nodded towards Kuramochi.

Sawamura, completely amused, but still a bit surprised, accepted the offered food.

Kazuya frowned as he sat back in his seat, "You could have at least tried not to put your saliva all over them."

He reached over the table again, switching his chopsticks with Sawamura's unused ones. Earning a few complaints from the pitcher, all which Miyuki ignored.

"Y'know, there are a lot of people in this room who wouldn't be the slightest bit disappointed if you ended this competition early." Kuramochi commented, a few teammates around them mumbled in agreement.

"No way! You can't stop a competition halfway! That's against the rules." Sawamura stood up abruptly, startling a few unexpecting bystanders.

"Ok ok jeez, I get it." Kuramochi leaned away from the overdramatic second year. "Although I don't remember having discussed any rules but whatever."

He sat back down, a determined expression on his face as he basically inhaled the rice bowl in front of him. After a few seconds of non stop eating, he coughed loudly, choked a bit, and then yelled.


Knowing all eyes were on them now, Kazuya just innocently smiled back, "Something wrong, Sawamura?"

Eijun huffed and glared at the catcher as he continued to eat. Miyuki waited for him to be distracted again, which honestly didn't take that long. Using his other foot, he slid off his right shoe.

Seeing an opening, Kazuya moved. He nudged his foot against Sawamura's under the table. He watched as the pitcher flinched, but stayed quiet. Even allowing him to rub up and down his lower leg. Miyuki grinned as he took another bite from his lunch, feeling completely satisfied as Eijun tried his best to cover his reddening face.

You learn something new everyday. Miyuki thought, and suppressed a laugh.

The urge to laugh however, was immediately forgotten after the third year felt a pressure on the inside of his thigh.

"Oi-!" he hunched over the table, leaning against his hand so he didn't look too suspicious. Miyuki pressed his legs together, trapping the pitcher's foot in place. He shot a glare at Eijun, keeping his voice low. "Are you crazy?"

He just giggled like a child and kept his eyes on Kazuya. Haruichi looked over, but shrugged and continued his conversation with Maezono.

Sawamura forcefully pulled away from the third year, smiling as he placed his foot right over Miyuki's. Slowly the friendly teasing became a full on competition.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting in public before you stop?" Kuramochi asked as he elbowed Sawamura in the stomach. Apparently more than a few people had noticed the pair's weird shuffling and seemingly random laughter.

Miyuki stood up abruptly, "I'm gonna head back to the dorms before we get back to practice. There's something I need to do."

And he might have said that a bit too fast, since the entire table watched as he left to return the tray.

Haruichi nudged the pitcher, "Eijun-kun, what'd you do this time?"

"W-what! I haven't done anything!"

"You and Miyuki-senpai are weird." Furuya commented.

"You stay out of this Furuya!"

Miyuki closed the door behind him, taking a seat at the desk in his room.

"I must seriously be going insane." He sighed, thinking out loud.

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