Chapter 12 - You're a Bad Liar

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Seeing Sawamura's energetic smile so early in the morning was enough to make Kanemaru scowl. But to his surprise, the pitcher didn't say a word. He sat down quietly at his desk and took out his textbook. Kanemaru narrowed his eyes and analyzed a bit more, highly suspicious of what he was seeing.

His eyes passed over the page blankly, cheeks noticeably flushed.

"I've never seen Sawamura look so lovingly at a book before haha." Haruno giggled from beside Kanemaru.

"It's a first, and probably a last, too," Kanemaru said, straightening his posture, his own face heating up slightly. "I wonder if this was Kuramochi-senpai or Miyuki-senpai's doing."

Haruno smiled, "We still have time before class. I'll go ask!"

She swiftly made her way to the pitcher's desk. As soon as he noticed her, he gave her a toothy grin.

"G'morning Haruno!"

"Good morning Sawamura!" Kanemaru watched from his seat. "I had a quick question."

Eijun nodded and put on a determined face.

She opened her mouth to ask, but paused as another question came to mind, "Is um... is that your school uniform?"

The smile on his face faded into an embarrassed pout. He stared at the manager with cat eyes for a concerning amount of time, "How did you know..."

"Well it's not obvious, but it looks a little big on you doesn't it?" Kanemaru squinted, noticing the difference now that she had pointed it out.

Sawamura chucked loudly and scratched the back of his neck, causing a few heads to turn, "HAHA I've been found out! I swapped uniforms with Miyuki-senpai!"

The class fell silent, whispers and laughter erupting seconds later, even Furuya woke up. Blushing furiously, Eijun desperately tried to defend himself. Sprouting incoherent nonsense. Wanting to get out of the spotlight, Haruno scurried back to Kanemaru's desk.

"That didn't go well... Sorry Sawamura!" She apologized, despite him not hearing.

"Eh whatever, it's too easy to get him riled up." He rolled his eyes.

They both watched as the pitcher continued to throw around excuses.

Miyuki's situation wasn't much better.

Kuramochi was gasping for air the second he walked into the classroom. Miyuki had slightly miscalculated. Despite the small height difference between the battery, Sawamura wore clothes a size lower. Which didn't seem like a big difference in his head, until he changed into the uniform this morning.

"You definitely didn't think that through," Kuramochi coughed, still recovering as he took his seat in front of the catcher. "Bakamura's idea?"

"Kinda..." Miyuki sighed. "I had a part in it as well."

"Is that why he snuck out last night? I was sleeping, but Asada told me he left the room."

"He was planning on sneaking into my dorm actually." Miyuki snorted.


"Haha, yeah. Going to such lengths for some stupid competition. I mean, I'm competitive, but there's a line you know." Wow. Miyuki thought. Really bullshitting my way out of this one.

"So the points go to Sawamura?"

The question made Kazuya pause. But in the end he pushed aside his pride to avoid where the conversation might lead if he told Kuramochi the truth.

"Yeah, I guess." He frowned. Miyuki couldn't figure out why he was so bothered by the idea of Kuramochi knowing he's enjoying the competition just as much as Sawamura was.

"Asada told me he was gone for a while. How did he switch the uniforms if he never got into your room?" Kuramochi asked.

"We ran into each other. I got up to use the washroom," Miyuki answered a bit too fast. "I just let him take it. Didn't want to risk waking anyone up."

Kuramochi raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, "If you say so."

Miyuki shifted in his chair as silence settled, staring blankly at the wall. Kuramochi glanced around the classroom.

"Who do you think the coach will start with on Saturday?"

Miyuki looked back at the shortstop, "Based on who we're playing... I'm guessing he'll go with Furuya for the first game, Sawamura for the second. Kawakami will probably do the relief for both."

Kuramochi and Miyuki continued to chat about the upcoming practice games until the school bell rang. Everyone took their seats.

"Also," Kuramochi started, his back to Miyuki. "You're a bad liar."

Kazuya's mouth opened, ready to protest, but the math quiz that was slapped onto his desk silenced him.

"Everyone keep your eyes on your sheet. I'll pick them up in forty-five minutes," the teacher spoke as she handed out the remaining copies. "It's a zero if I see you talking."

The catcher turned his attention to the paper in front of him. Or at least he tried to, as he felt his arm would fall off from lack of circulation as he tried to write his name at the top of the page.

I really didn't think this through...

AN- The next chapter might take a bit long because college is a jerk :') 

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