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The truth is it is not easy to come up with a good story when many others have written amazing and really creative artworks. Just as I would say, it is not easy to be a virgin in this world when even you as a person would prefer to do away with whats left of your sanity.
So I would be really sorry if you keep seeing different introductions but the heart of this piece of art work will not change

The heart of this art work is to encourage people who are virgins to remain intact... that is keep sailing in that boat and don't be tempted to jump into the sea.
Inspire those who have gotten into the sea to swim on and watch out for the sharks...that is no matter how dark your past and present have been it never too late to make it right. And I mean it.
But lets not forget that been safe is not all that counts sometimes, the waves can push us over board and we have to learn the hard way so my message is
Spread out randomly in the parts of this story.
I know I might not have written it well but read on.....
You may just meet your Mr/Mrs perfect in this stories
Thank you

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