the sad part

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Every day more and more and more people get hooked on pornography.
"I am one of those lost souls"

That was me before........
And I want many of us to say it with me and mean it.....

"That was me before"

Before what?

What exactly can be done to  guys or  ladies, to help them see the great deception that is displayed on screen.

What truth can be told to someone who find pleasure in self exhibition.....

We torture ourselves and call it pleasure, we even torture others and we are so happy with ourselves, at the end we get paid. Thinking we can buy joy or buy life. It's a lie.

Sexual orgies leaves your temple totally empty.
Empty of passion
Empty of unique and quality sex as designed by the master
Empty of life it self.

We are nothing
Even our pleasures last but for a moment. And we are sometimes totally forgotten in time. But we find pleasure in the pain that drowns us forever in endless regrets. This is the sad part

There is hope
Yes you can be the updated Virgin.....for all of eternity

But you need to follow closely and listen to the bid of your spirit man. Deep within Your heart I am sure like mine is asking for MORE.

There is much more
If only you can cross that sad part......Yes.
Please believe me

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