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She held onto him as they ended in unison and felt empty like every other time, She felt that a part of her needed to feel valuable if not to the whole wide world at least she was useful to this one person in her life with the secret she now carries

        Ree as she was known from birth had all she wanted,  Spoiled from birth, she knew how to twist the hand of fate and get all she needed.

But when it came to Men,
Her two years old lover, she was the needed, time an time again she would tell herself, to stop coming here, but thats the hard part, She can not tell her self to stop coming to a place where his touch, the kisses and the love keeps her going or so she thought.

Men stood up immediately after the act, saying something about needing a hot bath, leaving her with continuous assailing thoughts of how to escape the strong grips of pleasure....pleasure that leaves you empty.
Can she say a hard no to this
Is this  love?
What of Men, how does he feel about her?

A time comes in each of our lives when we would need to tell the true to the one person we have been lying to. You

Ree's choice to leave Men would affect her forever because like her mom needed her father to raise her she needs Men to raise the baby in her womb.

She is pregnant. Her tommy recoiled at the very thought of having a baby.

When you focus on making love happen and then a baby happens does love walk out the door.

Her thoughts were interrupted again my the sound of the bathroom door, she looked up at Men staring down at her looking all handsome and freshen, ' you have something to tell me ' he asked.

Should she tell? What would be his reply? How would she handle been rejected by her lover. She remembered the tales of Tina her mom's help, I also need a hot bath was all she would mumbled.

No matter how hard we try to  do evil I believe that you must have come to places in your life when you needed to make decisions and you would agree with me that you knew exactly the right thing to do inside of you......but i find it hard to believe that we can not experience change, yes we can walk that road. The process might be seriously demanding, it may even take the life of you.
But you will realize that it was worth it in the end.
....... so why not make that decision today, tell him or her how you feel. Keep that baby alive. Throw all the tales you have heard about woes to the wind. Write your destiny with the pen FATHER is handing you today. I bet you it would get really hard but I believe he will guide you through no matter your wrongs.
Just let him lead.
Now! That's the hard part

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