Chapter 5

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You scream! I scream! We all scream for ice cream!

Well, I believe I was too busy screaming at Sasha to scream to scream for ice cream. But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Let's go back a bit....

Care, Ysa, Jude, Lance (who had met us at the ice cream shop), and I walked in the small, quiet store. There weren't many people in there, just a few couples, but nobody from school. Normally, kids from school went to Jack Frost, the bigger ice cream place that had more variety. I liked this one though, because it was small and rather just comfortable. We stood in line behind another young couple, and when I saw the red hair I started praying.

Obviously, I didn't pray hard enough because Sasha turned around to look at who was standing behind her. Can't we go one flipping place without seeing the devil?

The boy beside her though wasn't West. His name was....Fredrick ! Yeah, Fredrick Morales. He had been the big football player in high school and considered one of the best players the school has ever had in history. He was already out of school and in his first year of college. I wonder why he was with an eleventh grade girl.

"Wh-Why are you here?" Sasha asked, stuttering slightly. Her voice was pitched a little higher, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Hmm, I wonder. It is an ice cream shop, and it is one hundred degrees outside," I stared at her and then at Fredrick, and that's when I got a bad feeling in my stomach.

Sasha took in my group, looking them over. I guess she decided we weren't a threat or something, because she flipped her hair over her shoulder and sneered at us,

"If you can't even pay for decent clothes, how do you expect to pay for ice cream? Are you going to wash dishes for them?"

I laughed sarcastically. "That's so funny, Sasha! But if you're so rich, then how come you can't afford to put some clothes on?" She was wearing a very, very short mini skirt, and a white, strapless top along with a pair of sandals.

"Just because you don't have a body to show off, doesn't mean the rest of us girls shouldn't be able to," she retorted.

I pretended to look her over. "Well, Sasha, it already looks like that ice cream is going straight to your thighs, so I'd be careful if I were you, m'kay?" I smiled sweetly at her.

"C'mon, babe, I've got the ice cream," Fredrick said, not even looking at us. Sasha gave me the bird and then slid her arm around Fredrick 's waist and Fredrick bent down and kissed her.

Right on the lips. And she kissed him back. Pagkabigaaooooooooooooon!

Suddenly, I didn't care about ice cream or the fact West had terrorized me since for as long as I can remember. All I could think about was that Sasha was cheating on him with some over sized college foot ball player.

I stomped out of line and grabbed her arm, twisting her around. "You're cheating on West?!"

Sasha yelled out in pain as my grip on her arm tightened. She shoved me with her other hand and I released her, glaring. Then I repeated, "You're cheating on West?"

Sasha rolled her eyes. "Please, why is it any of your business?"

"Because he deserves to know, regardless of the fact that he is an ass hole at times!" I said.

Fredrick was simply standing there, both hands carrying a cone of ice cream.

Sasha pointed her finger in my face. "Go ahead, tell West. Who is he going to believe? Me, his girlfriend? Or some pathetic, desperate whore like you?" Okay, okay. She should have stopped at pathetic. But she didn't. Then, she had the nerve to grab an ice cream cone out of Fredrick 's hand and shove it in my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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