Chapter 3

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"Did you find anything useful?"

"Nope, did you?"

"Nothing, this is hopeless"

Niall and I have been searching through the peoples luggage on the planes looking for anything useful to help us survive. We havent had any luck so far.

"Im starving" complained Niall. We had run out of food and none of us have eaten for 3 days. We've been here for a total of 1 month now. 

"Me to" I sigh. 

After rummaging through suitcases for another 15 minutes, we head back out of the plane and wander over to the other boys.

"Find anything?" Asks Zayn.

Niall and I both shake our heads no.

"This sucks, i think we're going to have to go fishing" suggests Louis.

We all look at each other, with curious looks.  

"Alright lets do this" I say before running towards the water. Im joined by all 5 boys a few seconds later. We all stand completely still, waiting to see the movement underwater. After about 2 minutes, i see a fin briefly before going underwater again. I decide to make my move.

I Iunge at the fish, grabbing it with one hand before swimming back to the surface.

"Well?" Says Liam. "Did you get it?" I smile and hold up my hand which contains the fish, still flipping around. After a while of struggling it stops moving.

After we make our way back to shore, Liam and Zayn go to make a fire so we can cook the fish. 

"You have some pretty epic fishing skills" Says Harry, sitting down beside me. I smile up at him before nudging him with my arm. 

"I know"

He chuckles at me before grabbing a stick to poke the fire with. 

"Do you think we'll get saved? Or are we going to die here?" chokes out Niall, as a tear slides down his face. 

None of us answer him, because none of us know the answer to that.

I dont know how i ever hated these boys, they're so down to earth and kind. Its to bad that i had to get in a plane crash to realize that.


"I think we need a plan" Says Liam the next morning.

"What do you mean?"

"We need a plan, like how to get off this island"

"Ok so what do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Well, i've been thinking. If we build a raft, and sail south, we'll probably sail right into the United States"

We all look at each other before Harry speaks up.

"Well, what have we got to lose?"


"It looks good"

We had just finished the raft. It took us about a week. To finish all the finishing touches, make sure its safe, stuff like that.

We had to test it on the water about 5 times, since Niall was afraid it would sink. It didnt sink, obviously. It worked perfectly. We made it big, to fit all 6 of us, it has a roof over top, to shield us from rain. We also have a box inside full of the few food we had left, and some water bottles. We also had some blankets to keep warm. And Niall brought his guitar. 

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