Headcannons For All

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Bright, glass, and clef have terrable eating schedules. They will sometimes go days without realizing they haven't eaten anything and need constant reminders to tell them to eat.

The people I headcannon immortal are bright clef and kondraki.

Reason for clef: the man is a literal demon. He has 3 eyes. Are we going going to just ignore the fact he fucked a goddess?

Reason for kondraki: the butterflys that follow him around keep him in a kind of time trapped body, he can be hundreds of years old in the future but still look like he's in his late 30's. This can all be stopped though, when all the buterflys die off, but as long as there is at least one buterfly he will still be able to live.

And bright is self explanatory.

Iceberg once caused 682 to go into a panicked type state with one question that made 682 question reality and if he's even real or not. Now whenever 682 sees iceberg he goes into a state of constant anxiety and confusion. By 05 command he is not allowed to tell anyone the question because they fear it will drive 682 insane.

Clef writes in his free time. Nothing like poetry or anything, no, he writes killer stories and murders that are too gruesome for other people to read. Clef has let Bright read one of these stories before and now they have a secret book club type of meeting where they exchange stories and create new ideas, because of course the two most insane people would love reading horror books.

Bright knows how to play multiple instruments and clef has even let him play his ukulele. Bright often sticks to bass guitar though because he finds them cool.

The only time anyone has ever heard gears laugh was when iceberg faceplate into the floor after being tripped by bright, and it was so sudden that it took everyone off gaurd as well. Now everyone wants to make gears laugh because they find it amusing.

Bright is not a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, he, after all, was a functioning alcoholic after he turned immortal.

Glass once asked iceberg for a grenade and iceberg, without question, gave him one. Later iceberg found out a gaurd had called bright 963 and some bad names in front of glass, the guard was efficiently terminated and no one knows who did it. Except iceberg and glass, but they won't say anything.

Glass is really flexible, and can do gymnastics like it was nothing. Once an outside organization sent gaurds to eliminate him because of all the info he knew about them and when the gaurds tried shooting him he just kept dodging their bullets and afterwords shot the people with his gun.

Bright has a cat at each site, to keep him company. When he hears that one of his cats pass away at a site he will move to that site and give the cat a proper burial, then get a kitten and train the kit until it can function on its own. Gaurds and resurchers all love the cats regardless of allergies or not because it provides them some kind of therapy, and some even tell the cats their deepest secrets.

Clef has a huskie. And he has a plot of land in Canada that has loads of guns, pullets, protective gear, food and water, and all the electricity he could possibly need incase of an apocalypse. Kondraki thinks he is crazy and bright and iceberg think it's awesome.

Gears can't leave iceberg alone for 5 minutes without him causing trouble or starting chaos.

Glass has some pretty interesting g stories to tell, and most people think their made up because he uses fake names for people in his stories but really he is just telling them what bright does all in one day. No one knows this and bright finds it funny.

Bright does all his work at night because he has problems with nightmares, and he would rather work than sleep. Glass has been able to get him to go to sleep but it's usually just a 30 minute nap and even then it's cutting it close for brights standards.

Kondraki and clef have fake sword fights with whatever is around them.

Iceberg once blew up brights office and bright forgave him because the explosion was worth it, and that was the only time iceberg has ever felt threatened by bright in all his years of working at the foundation.

During bright and clefs little bet, bright did have to change bodies for that whole year, but he somehow kept his growing horns for every body he was in. No one knows how but doesn't question it because it's the least of their worries.

Bright once blew up a whole site with one explosive and left no traces it was him. Thw 05 has their suspicions but they can't prove anything so they can't do anything.


I hope this makes you feel better after that last chapter!

Have a great day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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