funny a/n

427 10 12

Haha I'm working on something in the drafts right now so take these stories I've read before from the scp wiki

If you want angst, may I suggest

yesterday- it's about clef and it's in an alternate timeline where they have a crisis on their hands

Sex at frigid temretures- iceberg and gears. I can say no more other than I cried

The king is dead- fuCKING KONDRAKI DAMNIT I wanted fluff and got this instead! I hate the world.

If you want fluff instead may I suggest

Gears is totally not a robot guys- yes that is the actual name of the story, and yes it is funny

Clef eats ass: the musical- me and my friend read this together and died laughing, it honestly a 10/10 and now we have inside jokes for it! Be warned, like everything, it has swear words and inappropriate mentions in it so read at your own risk

Anyway yeah,

Have a nice day/night/afternoon/mornin!

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now