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"They aren't letting anyone see her tonight." Were the most words he'd spoken to her since she climbed into the backseat of his jeep, head held down wanting to be alone with her thoughts, as they sat in the parking lot in silence waiting for her parent's plane to arrive.

That was an hour ago, and in between that time all Robb found himself doing was either looking at the clock on the dashboard counting down the time until Rhaenys parent's plane landed, or just stare at her through the rearview mirror. Which he found himself doing more often now, wondering if he should say anything else to her.

The once talkative young woman who came to his apartment with his brother and Dany, to help him when he was at his lowest, was now hurting, and there seemed to be nothing that he could do to help comfort her or make her bellow in laughter with the sweet sounds she normally made, whenever she laughed.

"Are you just going to pretend to be staring out the window, while side-eyeing me the entire time?" Rhaenys released an annoyed huff, trying to calm herself, as she realized how irritating she sounded. Fisting her knuckles against her dark jeans, willing her negative thoughts away.

"I'm sorry for coming off like that to you, I'm just." She choked back a tear then, not knowing what to say really.

"It's ok, I should be the one apologizing for staring at you like an idiot." That was all Robb could think to say to her. Though there were more words he'd like to say to the lovely person staring out the window at the snow-covered ground.

"It's fine, I'm just." She waved him off, as she stopped to gather her thoughts, trying not to come off like a frightened child. She was almost twenty-three, not some scared feeble creature, unsure how to express her emotions. "I'm just angry with myself, for not being here for Dany. I should've been here for her."

Rhaenys shook her head once more staring at Robb, trying to will her stubborn tears away. "Dany is always the first person to help out anyone, a staunch defender when it comes to those in need. Now she's lying in a hospital bed, and I wasn't there for her, to hold her hand, tell her everything will be alright."

Rhaenys bitterly chuckled. "Instead of being by her side like I promised her when I came to Westeros, I stayed back at the apartment, too scared of the cold. Yet, here I am now, too busy blaming myself for not being here from the beginning."

Robb took her hand in his swiftly not really thinking or realizing what he was doing, until he noticed the puzzled expression she gave him, as he released it. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I wasn't thinking clearly."

In truth, he wasn't really, the young woman before him seemed to have a way about her that would bring any man to their knees.

It was still hard for him to believe she was single.

"You say sorry a lot, for a person who has nothing to apologize for Robb Stark." She viciously mocked as Robb grew silent. She smiled to herself, wondering if Jon's brother was truly a lawyer. Most lawyers she'd met always seemed to not know how to shut up.

"I shouldn't have taken your hand like that." He replied, noticing the look of confusion in her dark eyes that seemed annoyed at his words.

She hates me...Or at least thinks me stupid or mad. Maybe two out of the three?

"I would've slapped your hand away if I took offense." She smiled noticing the flush around his right ear. "In times like this, we all need some sort of comforting I suppose."

Inhaling a shallow breath as she turned away from him once more, looking at all the snow coming down. "You never told me what happened? Or how Jon is holding up since I last spoke to him before my flight boarded."

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