One Father to Another

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Standing in front of the large mirror looking at herself, Dany noticed her belly seemed to have grown even larger within a month, sometimes she wondered if there were twins inside of her, they would know soon enough. Her five-month appointment was next week, where they would be able to learn the sex of their child. A smile spread across her face wondering if they would be having a son or a daughter, she would be happy with either long as their child was healthy.

I need to make sure to remind him of my appointment next Monday. Due to the time of year, work had become stressful for Jon, he worked long hours and would often bring work home with him, always crunching out numbers, he had to make sure to have it ready by the next day for his boss Cersei Lannister.

If that wasn't bad enough, her mother would be arriving in a week and a half, she wanted both her mother and Jon to at least get along, for the sake of the child she was carrying. At least if they did, she knew her mother would let her father know Jon was a good man, and there was nothing to be worried about.

At least that's what she has been telling herself lately. They weren't really having sex like they used to. And now she wasn't sure if it was due to her weight gain why Jon wasn't touching her like he used to.

Stop thinking that way, she wanted to chide herself at that moment. He's busy, you can't expect the man to always want to do it. Her pregnancy only seemed to make her crave Jon even more. She thought she was mad or something was wrong with her until her doctor told her it was normal for a woman to crave sex, while some women didn't want the man near them.

"Dany!" she could hear Jon's voice calling her from the kitchen. She looked at the timer on the nightstand realizing how early it was. He's home early, she realized.

"How come you didn't bark, to let me know he was home Ghost?" her husky only rolled over on his back letting out a low whine at her.

"No scratches for you" she teased as she covered her stomach back with Jon's gray t-shirt.

"I didn't know you would be home so early." She watched as Jon removed a whole bunch of papers from his bag before answering her.

"I got out early, did you make anything for dinner? I'm starving and tired." Jon stretched his arms out for her to come in for a hug and kiss.

"No, there's still leftover bake chicken from last night, if you want that" she replied while walking over towards him to place a kiss on his cheek. "You should probably rest for an hour before you start those. I can also make something while you sleep."

"It's ok, I can have the leftovers." He replied while putting his glasses on.

She moved out of his embrace and walked over towards the fridge taking out the chicken along with some vegetables to make a salad.

By the time she was done, Jon had the entire table covered in papers, "are you going to eat here or on the couch?"

"Here, let me just move some of these out the way."

Dany placed the chicken salad next to him along with a bottle of water, as she placed a kiss into his dark curls. "I missed you today, did you miss me?"

She went to sit in the next chair to him when she noticed his bag was already there as she moved to place it on the floor next to him.

"How was your day?" she asked as she started eating while waiting for him to answer her.

"Horrible, I had to do double the work because Selyse decided to call out once more, now I have her workload plus mine." He frowned just thinking of all the times Selyse had been calling out lately. He knew what was going on in her life, but what she was doing would only get her fired by Cersei.

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