I May Be Sweet, But My Revenge Will Be Sweeter

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               I don't own the SCP Foundation
Simon Glass POV

Finals Week is torture.  And so is the month leading up to it.  You have heat, everyone in your class is talking about summer when you won't have anything like what they have, and you have stress.  So.  Much.  Stress.  Physics is the hardest for me.  It's just glorified math, and I get a hard time for being bad at it.  Only fun part about it was dropping a bowling ball out the window in October.  ELA, I'm good at that.  And everything else.  Just not physics or math.  Especially not calculus. 

Penny left a while ago.  She was my only friend, really.  Her parents moved across the country for work.  I felt so bad for her this whole school year.  No matter what, John Manson would always bully her.  Even went so far as to punch her, once.  That day, I wanted so badly to hurt him.   I was done with his bullshit.  But I am not skilled in the art of punching people in the face.  So, I did not.  I am above beating people up.  Not when I have better revenge up my sleeve.

I'm scared though. Now that his prime target's gone, who will he choose next? I still have like a week of school left, and I don't want it to be any more hellish than it already is. I mean, he already bullies me, but I don't want to be bullied more. I don't really have anything to look forward to this summer. To be honest, I never did, even when I was at home. Parents were too busy with the Chaos Insurgency to ever pay much attention to me. I wonder how they feel now. With me running off to the Foundation and all.

I didn't have much intel, they knew that. But the Foundation collects ex-GoI members almost as much as they do anomalies, or so Dr. Bright says. I'm not of much use though. I will be of some use when I graduate college, but not that much. They're playing the long game with me. In around seven or so years, they'll have a competent psychologist who is already loyal to the Foundation. Smart. I doubt I would have ever thought of it.

I get driven to school by an agent, so that's cool I guess. He doesn't talk much. For my revenge, I'll need to wait until the last day of school. And then, I can do it. My diabolical plan, worthy of Dr. Bright's joke list. They still haven't taken that down I guess. He's a senior. I'm going to fuck up his senior graduation picture. I don't know how that idiot managed to graduate, but he did. Now, I'm gonna ruin that for him.

I already screwed up his prom. By "befriending" his girlfriend and asking her to join me and Penny to prom. Months before prom even started. While their relationship was very rocky. And then, when everything was right as rain between them, she had to uphold her side of the deal. So, idiot had no date to prom. Carla Sanchez is a woman of her word, for sure.

We weren't really friends. At least, not to me. I befriended her six months before prom started, to be able to ask her to prom as friends. I play the long game. I don't hold grudges that much, but when I do, I take them to the grave. Unless I get some sweet revenge. One evil prank for punching Penny, one evil prank for bullying her. Nobody fucks with my friend's mental health and gets away with it.

I pass him in the hallway, getting some rather horrible names thrown at me as I do. Penny, I feel so fucking bad for you. How did you survive this all year? I keep thinking about what I'm gonna do to him. It comforts me. One test today, and it's physics. Fuck physics, fuck everything about it. I just hope it'll be quick. I would rather clean 173's cell than do one more fucking math problem. That's how done I am with math in general.

Ugh, I have so much respect for people who do this every day. Oh wait, I do this every day. I head to the testing room, thinking of all the ways I can fail. And contemplating faking an illness to get out of it. But, it's too late for that. My pen is in my hand, and my idiot brain is ready. See you in 3 hours, internal diary.

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