Chapter two legecy practice!

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I was all hexcited for legecy practice and totaly forgot about what happend yesterday! And then the principal I guess called me up and told me what I was! I FROZE! What no! I was........., I'm Bridget wonderland daughter of Alice wonderland and I pledge my destiny to be the next snow queen!
I walked off stage and head master grim told me i did great and I left to my dorm where I was sitting on my bed Pawndering am I really the next Snow Queen? Really? Then I hear the kid who I hit into say
"So are you happy to be my friend" he said
" Yeah" I said frowning
" You can't be that sad. am I that bad?" He said frowning
"No and I don't know your name?"
"So you hate me? And I'm Jack Frost."
"No I like you but I have one question?"
"What?" He said in excitement!
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

He grabbed my hand and jumped off and took me to this snowy cave with slick icy iceicals but I loved it we first built a snow man and then built him a girlfriend then played in the snow for over two hours it was fun then he took me back to ever after high and we went to our classes I went to princessolegy. He went to evilmecnomics then we met up at lunch. After school was over I went back to the dorm and found the most horrorfying discoverys!

"Wait a splinter" I said
"Oh hey" darling said
"Sup" Alistair said
"Are you two a thing or something?"
"Yes" they both said
" Ok well I'm going bye" I said
"It's cool it's getting late I'll leave!"
Alistair said
"Ok bye" we both said
"Bye" *as he walked out*

Alistair is gone good now I can do homework so the rest of my day I was working on homework and ready for school the next morning I heard there's some new students that seemed totally spellbinding. Tomorrow rolled around and I got ready and went to school.

"Hello? Can anyone help me around?" Some boy said
"I can" I said
"Thank yooo....... I'm Asher charming."
"Hi I'm Bridget wonderland"
"Your so beautyful" he said
"Thanks" I said feeling flatterd
As I said that Jack heard the whole conversation and he came over looking mad!

Ok the Alistair you guys are thinking of had blonde hair and he's son of Alice that's not the Alistair I'm talking about he is a made up character I'm making up he one I'm talking about has black hair I made him up.

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