Chapter ten deal

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James P.O.V

As i opened up the door i said that i saw bridget standind their crying. so i let her in and sat her on the bed and asked her what was going on she sobbed and said jim was holding hands with page so i jumped in and said you need somone better. like me i thought.

"James are you hungry?" she asked

"sure what do you want" i asked

"Chinese food?" she asked

"thats so random but sure " i said

Well i left her in my room alone cause i dont have a room mate and i told her to listen to music when i was gone so i gave her my phone she told me she left her phone at her dorm. Anyways i left to go get the Chinese food. when I returned she was as sleep she looked so cute in her sleep but before I left she told me she was indeed very hungry so I woke her up, she was sleeping on my bed but I had an extra bed but did not ever use it because I just came but I woke her up.

"Hey you awake?" I asked
"Yeah did you get the food?" She asked
"Yeah" I said grining
"Cool let's dig in" she said as she started to eat rapiedly
"Ok" as I ate slowly.
"This is so good thank you james." she said with greatfulness
"No problem" I said
"Do you want to stay at my place?" I asked
"Sure" she said
"ok you can sleep on the Spare bed that I have" I said
"That's cool" she said
"Let me put some sheets on the bed" I said as i was reaching over for sheets to put on the bed.

We ate all of the boxes of chinise food. Also I was going to get ready to go to sleep. In my pjs I changed in the bathroom. I brushed my black hair. And i took a look over at Bridget she was all ready asleep and I tucked her in with flanel blankets. Cause it was really cold it was winter and I looked out of the window and saw it started to snow hard. So I called one of my best friends I knew it was late so I called Jack we knew each other. We were best friends so I called him to tell him it was snowing he said he was waiting all year round to finally see snow. I was really excited to see the snow too.

Bridget's P.O.V

After I went to sleep I woke up to see the room really clean. It was about three am I knew cause I took a look at my phone. James was sleeping and I thought he looked so cute I was always so alone at my dorm but with will I felt like I was not alone anymore I felt like I can talk to him about anything what if I could maybe no I interrupted my thought before I could even think it I turned my head to the window and saw he has glass by the window I had a heart that read j plus b. I was thinking James plus Bridget. I agreed I mean just a friend. Right? Anyway I went right back to sleep on the bed It was really cold so I wrapped my self up in the blanket. And then shortly after I fell back to sleep.
Finally I got woken up by James "rise and shine!" He shouted
I woke up and he said school is starting in a hour so I got up and and said I have nothing to wear. So me and james sat down and started talking we were talking about our dorms he said he felt the same way alone!

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