Chapter eleven paint

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Bridget's P.O.V

Me and james were talking about how we both felt alone in our dorms. So we decided to move in dorms together. After getting the approval by head master grim. James and I started taking my things and bringing them to his dorm he told me to get used to calling it our dorm. We had winter break for Christmas. Yesterday was our last day. We have four weeks off to do what ever we want so me and James are going to ask head master grim if we can re paint our room for winter. But sence winter is not all year round we are painting it leaf green. And head master grim said yes to re painting and then made a whole speal about how that would be. A creative Idea and all of that stuff. So we went to my good friend Snow White and me an James went to her dorm and asked her for a leaf green paint we thought she might have some because she was an artist she drew beautyfully and I knew also cause she does really good. but she is kinda shy so I left James at home and printed out a picture of what I want the room to look like.
After I told her she gave me the paint. I said thank you and left. On the way it was cold so I brought home some hot co co and some snow flake stickers to hang up. I had a couple of posters from my old room but I needed new ones to look at I mean who does not want to look at Ashton Irwens face At night I know it is kinda creepy I get it. Anyway when I got home we started painting I was doing the trim white and I would help with the walls but he was doing most of the walls leaf green. After we got finished with the walls and the trim it took three hours. I was so exsosted. I could tell james was too. We put Our beds in the spots we wanted. Then we added our night stands next to each other. And I have a book shelf and a computer he had a huge book shelf that took up half of his side of the room talk about book worms. I guess you can say I liked to read. it did not bother me after maybe one week of me and james dorming I did not feel one bit alone. So one week later I turned off the light and Christmas Eve was in four days I was eager to open up my present will got me he told me he did not wrap it yet. I got him a book and I know a book is not a lot but this book is his favorite from never land also it was a signed copie. I could not wait for him to un wrap it! After two days of waiting It was Christmas Eve I could barly sleep and it was snowing. It was four in the morning and I woke up for no reason I felt like I needed to get up and I got a knock on the door I opened it the note said
"Thank you for freeing me"
I did not know what to do so I woke James up and told him it was almost five so we stayed up. An decided to open presents. I walked over to the chrismas tree and me and james looked up and saw a missile toe.

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