Chapter 28!

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An all-girl team, they didn't have Jabez anymore. So, Bel, or Hibiki would get sent out to gather intel from the authority on patrols. 

"Yeah, I heard the boss is keeping Jabez contained in her personal domain I believe. One of my friends said Galalig couldn't even penetrate that realm, so it's just straight-up impossible to trace," 

Hibiki overheard something while in hiding. "Huh, so she's got him captive," She rubbed her bottom chin. 

Meanwhile in God City. The Gods' throne room.

"So, no more midget guy, huh," Anubis muttered. 

"Wasn't expecting such a godly being to pop out of nowhere," Loki shivered. 

"I'll admit, BS was indeed powerful, but those three turned the tables when they showed up." Skadi stated. 

"But that girl, Jabez's older sister, it makes me wonder who is the far more experienced one," Loki said in amusement. 

"Makes me wonder too." Orphelia stated. But she remembers a conversation, the mention of Juste, but who exactly was that? It sounded like someone very terrifying. 

"Should we travel to Earth?" Loki suggested. "Kendo told me she plans to start a resistance." 

"Why on Earth should we help those mortals, it'll only cause us a hassle, to go up against that thing, Astil. No way!" Anubis stated. 

"You a chicken?" Loki stated. 

"I'm only avoiding a death threat," Anubis stated. "But if you want to help them, risk your life if you want," Anubis stated. 

Loki decided to help Kendo out, descending from the heavens. 

"Yeah, some of those authority guys claim there's a personal domain keeping Jabez." Hibiki informed Kendo, Cacao, Bel, Vio, and Bis. 

"Would there be a way to get in there?" Cacao stated. 

"Until you defeat Astil herself, it is considered inaccessible by all means," Yakumo stated. 

"Huh, a personal domain, I wonder how it works, maybe there is something I can do." Cacao stated. 

"Hm? What do you propose your course of action?" Yakumo stated. 

"I would like you to make me a personal domain so that I can find a way to chain the two personal domains," She stated. 

Yakumo smiled a little. "That's smart, girl, all right, I shall craft you a personal domain for you," Yakumo then conjured something without gesturing, a rip in space appeared. 

"Wish me luck guys," Cacao nodded her head to everyone, including Mary. 

"Good luck, kid," Mary nodded her head. 

Cacao looked forward to the rip in space, then stepped into it, vanishing moments later. 

In a realm full of grass fields and forgotten salvage, it was endless. She looked at the various types of machinery left on the grass, then she scrubbed her hands together before collecting herself multiple things getting to work for extended periods of time. 

"It hurts... so much." While Jabez was in the SCA manipulation prison, ropes tied around his wrists and ankles were tight, deep rope marks marked his skin. 

"What hurts, you dirty dwarf?"Astil slapped his ass. "You're mine, my property, what I do to you is my pleasure." She cupped his cheeks with her whole hand. A finger ran down his cheek, she made his organic defunct state revert to normal physiology, tracing blood on his cheek. 

Licking his blood. 

She continued to mark his body with bloody and bruises, tasting his blood. "Delicious." She said after he passed out. 

Cacao held her book, waiting for the exact time when Crepuscule would be available at the moment, she wasn't available anytime soon, but she was hoping that she would come around. 

Netheria appeared in the throne room by herself, with an exasperated look. 

"You're back?" Skadi stated. 

"That little shit ruined my time, now he's a mugger with his new friend Brick, and turned into gag physiology beings," Netheria rubbed her temples. 

"Seems like he was one waste of time then," Skadi shrugged her shoulders. 

"So, an SCA user has taken over the world, huh," Netheria gripped her throne tightly. 

"You saw the news?" Anubis stated. 

"Where is Loki?" Netheria asked. 

"Assisting the mortals," Orphelia stated. 

"Doing something foolish again, I guess that's why he was called The God of Stupid." Netheria facepalmed. "And yes, I've seen what happened on the news," 

"My, my isn't this interesting, willing slaves to work under me?" Astil smiled at Ash who looked like more of a ruffian with his new friend, a thug, brown-haired, white-skinned. 

"We'll mug 'em all for ya, my queen! I'll even mug that sorry ass Kendo's face!" Ash and Brick said with a cockney accent. 

"Now prove that to me, go mug them, hahahahaha!" Astil stated. 

Then the two went out of the building then moved to Kendo's household. 

Kendo, Hibiki, Yakumo, Bel, Bis, and Vio stood outside the building. 

"This is what you've turned into, I'm done with you," Kendo stated as she flipped her middle finger. 

"We're gonna mug you!" Brick exclaimed. "We gonna take all your money!" 

"They have gag physiology bodies now, only the funny way can hurt them," Yakumo warned. 

"GAAAAA!!!" Brick and Ash charged towards them. 

Kendo pinched Ash's nipples as Ash's face turned ahegao then she slapped his cheek. 

Bel appeared behind Brick finger thrusting Brick's butt. 

Yakumo used a feather to tickle two of them. 

Bis and Vio slapped their faces then kicked the two in the nuts. 

"We got mugged, Ash!" Brick stated as he looked into his eyes. 

"What are you lookin' at?" Ash stated. 

"Lost in your eyes, foo'." Brick stated. 

"Screw you, Ash, I'd rather become Jabez's bestfriend than be with you." Kendo kicked the two out of the place. 

"We'll get our revenge!" Ash exclaimed. 

"Honestly, considering how incompetent Ash is, that was a likely possibility," Yakumo stated. 

"So, he was just that pathetic, huh," Kendo shrugged her shoulders. "So, I've got nothing to protect..." She looked downwards to the pavement. 

"That's not true, you've got friends." Bel stated. 

"Oh, yeah, I do. I guess... friendship is better than a lovelife." And so Kendo chose friendship over returning to any life. 

Enterprise passed by women who were happy with their kids and lovers. "Should I really go for that? Even if I did. I wouldn't know what to call my kid." She scratched the back of her head. 

Crepuscule appeared in Cacao's personal domain. A pink-haired woman with a pretty face, about 5'7, but it was day time so she was Bathory. "You called for me?" 

"Yeah... a woman named Astil took over all of Fantasia, we need your help," Cacao stated. 

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