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We were laying in bed together when Mina asked me a really random question.

"Do you think you're almost over her?"

"I think so. I wasn't... until I met you,"

"Do you think maybe that it's your job holding you back?"


"So why not just leave?"

"I wish it were that simple, Mina,"

"Why isn't it?"

"Once you retire from MI6, you're watched by the government at all times. You know too much. I'd rather have the small amount of freedom and privacy that I have now, than none at all,"


"Why don't you leave your job?"

"I'm too deep in. If I tried to leave, they'd just kill me,"

"But you're going to die either way. You know that right, Mina. No matter how long I put it off, MI6 will kill you, whether it's me or someone else,"

"I know,"

"You're a good person, Mina," I whispered, smiling softly at the ceiling.

"Contrary to what you may think, I am not a good person, y/n,"

"You're a good person to me," I laced my fingers with hers'.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I know,"

"I don't expect you to say it back,"

"Thank you,"

"This is so sad," she sobbed.

I took her in my arms, staring into the darkness and letting her cry into me. She was right. This was possibly the saddest thing I had ever been involved with.

"I just want to be with you without fearing for our lives," she cried.

"I know, Mina. Perhaps in another life,"

"But I want to have you in this life,"

"You have me right now, don't you?"

"Do I?"

"Yes, Mina. I'm all your's," I whispered, kissing her gently.

"I'm sorry,"

"For what?" I laughed a little.


I decided to just not ask. If she wanted me to know, she would tell me, but I didn't want to make her more upset, so I just kissed her again.

"I told my boss I didn't know where you were,"


"Yeah, I don't want this to end just yet,"

"I don't either," she sniffled, kissing me softly again. Gaga, I would always love how her lips felt on mine.

"Do you know when you're going to kill me yet?" She asked after a short while.

"I don't even think I'm going to," I answered honestly.

"Y/n, you have to,"

"Do I?"


"But they won't know,"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Think about it this way, MI6 don't know I've even had contact with you since the interview. Yes?"

"Yes... but..."

"Shh hang on!" I put my hand over her mouth as she was about to protest, "if we stay here for a few years, they'll have forgotten about you and I'll be on a new mission,"

"You can't stay here for two years, they'll suspect something,"

"So I come up with possible fake leads on you and keep following them,"

"So I'll be alone?"

"No. Because whilst they think I'm carrying out the mission, I'll really be here with you, making sure you're safe,"

"You're a genius," she laughed.

"I try," I giggled, kissing her softly again, before we both fell asleep holding one another.

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