Ethan x Female reader (part two)

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Rated: Very much sexy time

CONTENT WARNING: Slight degrading kink, praising kink, oral sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling kink, throat fucking, fingering, over stimulation, sex toy.... its pretty kinky i know


When you hung up the phone you screamed into a pillow.

"What did I just do?" You asked yourself. You had told Ethan he needed to come over to your house immediately and you refused to answer any of his questions. You told him to come around back of your  house because your parents were home. He was surprised when you said that but you were more surprised when he said he'd be there by 4:30.

You checked the time on your phone. It read 3:56. You got out of bed thinking it would be better if you weren't wearing your sleeping clothes and soaked panties. Quickly you stood up and changed it some clean shorts, clean panties and a t-shirt. You fixed your hair in the mirror and brushed your teeth in the bathroom. You were thankful you had shaved the night before. By the time you had finished it was around 4:20.

Nervously you paced around your room, repeatedly making sure your parents were downstairs and your sister and her friends were in the basement watching movies. You made sure your door was locked and suddenly your phone rang. It was Ethan.

"Hello?" You said as you answered.

"Hey I'm in your backyard like you asked." He replied with a sigh. You made your way across the room and opened your window, seeing Ethan down on the grass.

"Okay used the trash can to climb up on the roof." You said and hung up on him. You moved back into your room and prepared for what would most likely be humiliation. You heard him climb through you window and you turned around.

He had his hands on his knees and he was panting. "Are you sure I couldn't have just came through the front door?"

"My parents wouldn't have let you in." You stated, walking over and closing the window behind him. You noticed him looking around your room, at the posters on the wall, the framed photos, the piles of dirty clothes everywhere.

"So what did you want?" He asked, turning around to face you. You bit your lip and thought for a moment.

"Well.. just sit down. Please." You asked, motioning to your bed. He shrugged and sat down. Reluctantly you sat down next to him. "Uhm, this is kinda well. It's weird I guess. Not weird but awkward? I dunno I just-" You took a deep breath and continued. "I called you impulsively because I had.. uhm.. I had a wet dream.. about.. you."

"..what?" He asked after a long pause of silence. You put your head in your hands, face red with embarrassment. Honestly what did you think would happen when you told him? He was never gonna let you live this down.

"This is so embarrassing." You mumbled into your hands. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what I expected from you I just- god I'll never live this down."

It was quiet again and you felt like crying. Why? Who told you this was a good idea?! Suddenly, you felt his hand on your shoulder. You still refused to face him.

"Hey... hey look at me." He said, his voice unusually soft and gentle. Reluctantly you looked up at him. "It's okay, you know. I mean, I'm flattered really." He said with a small smile.

"But- I thought you would've been, I dunno, disgusted or creeped out or something." You told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"If you truly thought that then why would you have called me?" He asked and you shrugged, sitting up straight.

"I dunno, it was kinda an impulsive decision. I mean, I called you as soon as I woke up.." You said, laughing lightly. He laughed along with you and you were pleasantly surprised he was being so nice to you.

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