He's dead

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"Bella get up now or you'll be late!" Urrrgh. I hate it when she calls me that. It's sounds so innocent I gag at the thought of it.

"Mum I have told you millions of times, do not call me Bella! Call me Izzy or don't call me anything at all!" I declare , my voice vibrating my bed.

"Do not use that tone with me young lady! I am your mother!" I roll my eyes and wriggle out of bed.

I wash my face with the freezing cold water and it instantly wakes me up. I brush through my electro blue hair and change into my Nike tracksuit. Slowly brushing my teeth getting every tooth squeaky clean, I glance outside of my foggy window after geting dressed, I see Lucas outside leaning against his BMW. I quickly wave at him and run downstairs to meet him. I open my front door and it reveales a grinning Lucas.

"Hey Ballerina Lu Lu." I giggle. This was always our joke.
"Hi Bella." He ruffles my hair. That was always his comeback. I groan out loud as he leads me into his car. The delightful smell of raspberries hit my nose, I loved his car as every week he had a new scent. We arrive at school and I glare outside the window at Jane Cliffer.

I hated her ever since I could remember, I just want to punch her ugly little face. She smirks at me, as she turns around her skirt skids up showing half her knickers. She fumes and turns red as I laugh so much I struggle to breathe.

Sitting in class rocking on my chair, I do this to get on my teachers last nerve.
"Elizabeth." My teacher calls out.
"Here " I say with no enthusiasm or joy at all.
"Well you can show a little bit of enthusiasm. " she says thinking she is funny.
"Well as you can see I'm very happy to be in this class with you right now." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes and causing a few sniggers in the classroom.
"Cut the attitude Isabella. "
"What attitude?" I say half smirking at her.
"Don't pretend you don't know."
"Don't accuse me of lying miss." Smirking slightly moving my head faintly to the side making her furious. More and more murmers grew in the classroom.
"If you continue to behave like this I will send you to the heads office."
"Oh I'm sorry miss.... " she nods.
" that you don't have a sense of humour"

Now I've really ticked her off. She gets up from her seat with a bright red furious face.
"Heads office now!" She shouts as I walk to the door.
"My pleasure." I say and slam the door so loudly that it shocks my classmates out of their seats. I laugh hysterically.
No way I was going to the heads office. I stumble straight to the exit without a care in the world if anyone sees me. I frantically grabbed hold of my cigarette from my pocket and light it up. I suck down on the smoke until I gagg.

Walking to the nearest corner shop I grabbed hold of my favourite crisps and went to pay for them.

"Aren't you meant to be in school?" The shop owner says while I breathe out smoke near his face.

"What's it to you? " I say coldly before throwing the money on the till. Grabbing the snacks I gave him a nasty glare and walk off.

I glance back at the school and at the corner of my eye I see Jane pointing at me to a teacher. I stick my tongue out childishly and smirk at the teacher before he calls out my name sheepishly.
"Elizabeth! Come here right now!" Thinking over my dumb decision of going to the shop opposite the school I pull a face at him and walk towards the bus station.

"Elizabeth!" My teacher says panting coming towards me.
"Yes sir." I ask as if I did nothing wrong.
"Come back to school or I'm calling your parents. " he says still sighing heavily.
"Your going to call my parents anyway." I roll my eyes and give him a nasty glare wanting my bus to arrive.
"I'm gonna make you a deal....." I'm intrigued already.
"If you come back to school I won't call your parents and won't tell the head teacher what you did." He looks at me hoping for an 'ok'. He was one of the few teachers that knew about what had happened and now he's showing his sympathy.
"Fine. " I grunted as I began to drag myself towards the schools dark blue gates.

He walks me back to the class I got kicked out of and I dread to see the horror film of her face. I mean yeah me and teachers don't do well in a room together, sheesh like I give a damn.
Smirking at my teacher while the other teacher explains why I wasn't in.

"Thanks Mr Quinn." I mime before he swings the door open and leaves.
"Lu Lu!" Trying to catch him before he leaves me in his car.
"Oh Bella." He ruffles my hair as I jump in the front seat of his car.
"I'm going to yours. "
"Does your mum know?" Since when has he ever worried about my mum.
"No but I'll tell her where I've been when I get home." he gives me a sypathic look.
"She does care about you."
"Well she has a good way of showing it (!)" I say sarcastically.
"Its just hard for her after-"
"I don't really want to talk about it."

We drive in silence after the awkward conversation. Why can't everyone see its hard for me as well?

We finally arrive at his magnificent and massive house. I still drool over the fact that it is so beautiful from the inside and out.

"Hi Elizabeth." his mum and dad greeted me.
"Hi." I faintly smile at them and Lucas leeds the way up to his king sized bedroom.
"What do you wanna do?" He says trying to find a good movie from his DVD collection.
"Actually.....I think we should talk." He says patting the space beside him on the bed.
Instantly I knew why. I grunt and drag myself to his bed.
"You and your mum need to bond especially after this."
"I don't need to she obviously doesn't care about me anymore." I stated in a cold tone.
"She does or she would have left you ages ago."
"Well maybe she didn't want to look bad In front of everyone. "
"Come on you know thats not true....." He's properly concerned now I can see it.
"Of course I care about her but she doesn't-" he straight away knew what I was gonna say.
"She does care about you, your just to blind to see it!" He declares looking straight into my eyes.

"I still can't believe he's dead." I squeeze out.
I loved him he was a role model, an inspiration! Words cannot describe how much he meant to me. Unlike mum he got me, he understood me after dad walked out on us. I started tearing up for the first time in front of Lucas. I was usually the strong one. He took me into his arms and stroked through my long electro blue hair.

I couldn't believe my older brother Peter was dead and it was tearing my family apart.
First chapter hope u like it!

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