Early birds and a stomped cigarette

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The first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was fuck, my head hurt like crazy it was as if someone was constantly slamming my head against a wall. I gritted my teeth knowing that I was suffering the consequences of drinking way to much alcohol. 

I force myself to get out of bed and make my way downstairs, Mum wasn't up yet which I was fine with and I was actually up early for once. Taking some aspirin and drinking it down with water I made myself some breakfast and munched away thinking about yesterday.

I almost spat my cereal out realising that I practically made a deal with the devil also known as the hall monitor Jake, urgh. Finishing up my cereal I made my way to the bathroom brushing my teeth humming don't threaten me with a good time. Once I was done I got myself ready for school not really caring what I wore.

Once I was done I looked at the time and it was almost time for me to go which means that Lucas should be here soon. I jumped onto the sofa and peered through the window like a lost puppy, only to see that Lucas was already leaning against his BMW looking up to my bedroom window.
Oh yeah I'm actually early, lol.

Deciding to surprise him, I snuck outside and once I got close to him I shouted boo in his ear which made him scream like a little girl, his scream had me laughing like a maniac. He stopped screaming realising it was me and he looked pissed off.

"Hey Ballerina Lu Lu I didn't think you had that in you" I say and snicker

"Shut up Bella we will never speak of this again"

"Of course we have to speak of this you scream like a girl, that's flipping hilarious"

"Just get in the car" he grumbled

Taking it as a sign not to push him further right now, I got into his car instantly enjoying the fruity smell that hit my nose. I might as well live in here to be honest. It smells too damn good. Lucas got into the car and began to drive. The ride to school was quiet.


"HEYYYY MY BITCHES" Tracy screamed running towards us like she was suddenly sonic or something

"Hey Trace" Lucas and I say in unison while I had a grin on my face

"So what's been going on" she asked us as we walked down the corridor

"Bruh you missed Ballerina Lu Lu's scream, it was on point" I say smirking

"Bella shut up" he says his face turning a little pink from embarrassment

"It was girly and high pitched" I say cracking up

Tracy starts cracking up as well as I tried to recreate the scream, Lucas walked away from us at this point obviously annoyed.

"Anyways Izzy I'll see you later since first lessons gonna start" Tracy said

"Alright see you later bitch"

"See ya" Tracy yelled already running to her lesson

Walking to my first lesson of the day which was Art, I was shit at it to be honest but whatever I didn't really feel like ditching it, which I thought was a bit odd.

I kicked the door open thinking it was amusing to make a dramatic entrance, Mr Collins one of the many teachers which have grown use to my lovely behaviour gave up on me. He just gave me this look which made me scoff and sit down at my seat, the eyes of the people watching me as I took my crap out. 

I faced the board ready for this boring lesson to begin, as it did I couldn't help but nearly fall asleep as Mr Collins kept on talking about Vincent Van Gogh and how amazing his artwork was. I rudely let out a yawn, just because I was actually in the lesson being better than usual doesn't mean I won't be rude. It lead to a few people sniggering, but Mr Collins gave them this look which made them stop. He then continued with his lecture. I need a fag, I thought to myself.

"Mr Collins I need to take a piss" I say loudly

"Elizabeth it can wait" he says tiredly

"I think you should let me go unless you want piss all over your chair" I say raising an eyebrow holding in a growl as he called me Elizabeth I fucking hate it

"I'm sure you are capable of holding it in"

"I have a weak bladder" I scoff

He just ran a hand on his face looking obviously annoyed with my constant protesting. He looked at me and it seemed to me that he aged ten years in that second, what can I say me and teachers don't mix.

"Alright" he says obviously giving up 

I smirk smugly and walk out of the room flipping my electric blue hair for shits and giggles, feeling relived I didn't have to listen to that boring lecture anymore. I stuffed my hand into my pocket and took my pack of cigarettes lighting one up I took a puff while walking down the corridor looking at the displays on the wall.

Taking another drag I looked out the window, the sky was grey and it looked like it was going to rain soon, not that I minded since I loved the rain. 

"So I see your not in lesson Elizabeth" a chillingly familiar voice said

"Don't call me Elizabeth Jake, call me Izzy or don't call me at all" I say taking another drag from my cigarette

The smoke hit his face which made him cough a little, I was not sorry.

"Whatever Elizabeth remember I have the schools number on speed dial and I don't think you want me giving them a ring and telling them of your drunken break in" He says cooly

I gritted my teeth knowing he had full control on me since I didn't actually want to get expelled again.

"Now since I can practically tell you what to do, you are no longer allowed to smoke in school grounds even better if you didn't smoke at all" he says crossing his arms his hazel eyes staring at me

I kissed my teeth as he took the cigarette from my hand and stomped on it, then taking a tissue from his pocket he crouched down and picked it up cleaning away the ashes. He stood upright once he was done.

"So I suggest you get back to your lesson Elizabeth now" Jake says

I almost lunged myself at him but decided against it just giving him
The finger and walking back to art in an obvious bad mood. I fucking hate him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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