Hurdling To The Destination

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My heart is pattering so fast that I can feel my tongue pulsate as well. Every deep breath that rolls in and out of me, I try to stifle from fear that if my lungs move too much then perhaps I will release a shriek against my will.

I clamp the palms of my hands onto my mouth and nose. I can now see who created this pungent smell of blood.

The culprit is a couple of feet away from me widely grinning from one end of her face to the other. Her gleaming violet eyes hold no remorse. My eyes frantically scatter throughout this eerie room, and I notice that the dead men in the room are wearing an old-fashioned type of clothing that the previous generations of nobility would wear to show off their lavish lifestyles. Despite that fact, I cannot seem to recognize any of them because of how bloody their faces have become now. Why is this woman that is just kneeling in the middle of these corpses grinning like a maniac while the blood of these men appears to be on her skin?

I shudder with fear.

The monster that I heard roar earlier... was that her? Is she not a human like me?

I stay frozen to the white marble that is a stark contrast to the pool of red blood that surrounds the floor of that woman. I pray to the Goddess that this evil creature does not notice me hiding behind one of the large marble pillars that are near the oak door. Since I cannot really do anything else, I observe her features while shaking slightly, trying to memorize every crease on that bloody face just in case I ever come face to face with this villainous creature.

Then the seemingly calm face of this pale woman finally seems to break out of that perverted smiley daze she was wearing as it shifts into an expression of absolute pain.

"Idony, my love." She cries breaking the deafening silence, "What have they done to you? Why did they do this to us?"

She rises from the pile of corpses littering her person. One would assume that with this woman's soft angelic features like her red plump lips and her long jet-black hair that seems to never stop flowing, she would be harmless. The glass ceiling of this room allows for the moonlight to softly glow over all her features. Making her appear almost ethereal beneath its soft glow. Her cheekbones are sharp. And her eyes, they are the most electric violet I have ever seen, which are at the same time so dull with emotions that appear to be like resentment and pain.

Her eyes carry such a great storm of emotion behind them that at some point, I find myself feeling sorry for her. Of course, my pity for her existence disintegrates when she releases another inhumane cry that makes the cool floor beneath me rumble. I do not miss the sight of her two ghastly ivory teeth which seem to stick out similar to the way a cat's two canine teeth would, stained with blood, erupt out of her mouth as she cries out once more.

The cursed sight of what appears to be fangs makes my heart rate increase exponentially for what feels like the hundredth time. At this rate, any more shocks will make me faint.

This woman is not a normal human being. Any inkling of her humanity leaves my mind when I continue to stare at her fangs from behind the marble column.

Just who has canines as sharp as hers? I know not a single soul who could kill so many men all at once in one room? I doubt even the most skilled assassin could manage this feat. Who is she and why is she around so many corpses? Most of all, why does she keep repeating the name Idony with salty tears that continue to stream down her face?

All of these questions echo through my mind and as they get louder and louder inside my head, I feel overwhelmed. I think my mind has finally crashed and I do not blame it at all. I notice that my hands are still clamping my nose and mouth shut when I start to feel lightheaded from not taking any new breaths as of late. So, I slowly ease my palms off my face and try to take a deep breath in, which occurs successfully with no noise. However, the same could not be said of me when I let the air escape my mouth, for instead of silence, I am stunned when a shriek of terror leaves my scarlet red lips.

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