~*Field trip 1*~

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Y/n Blair is a new student from New York, she was transferred here due to her horrible reputation in the big city. Y/n's dad is extremely disappointed in her which he cant stand to even look at her. He never planned to be a father but since her mother died when she was 9 everything went side ways. Her mother was a wonderful women took care of her like she meant the whole world to her. But for her father, he only put on an act in front of her sick mum. Ever since the incident with Y/n lighting a school classroom on fire no other schools have accepted her.. Except one, the school which was located on a small island called 'Outer Banks' Y/n didn't want anything to do with her father but still didn't want to leave, she would have to go live with her cousins which she has never met. Only seen a few photos of them but that still didn't give her any enthusiasm. 

"But dad I dont want to leave!" I yelled as I felt tears pool in my eyes with rage. "You dont have a choice! Now get out of my house!" Mr. Blair yelled pushing Y/n out of the door. "Fuck you!" I screamed as I picked up my luggage and headed towards the butlers car. "Drive fast" I demanded as I smashed my head into my small hands, 'kicked out at 17?' I thought to myself. I was pretty disappointed in myself for the way I behave but I really cant stop it. My flight to 'Outer Banks' was in 30 minutes so I had to get there fast because we lived 20 minutes away. the butler slammed the breaks so quickly I smashed my head into the back of his seat. "Sorry dear but you need to go" He said hurrying me out, he grabbed my suitcase and threw it on the side while I was stepping out he zoomed off as I landed on the ground. 'Am I that bad?' I question myself as I look back in tears. Its about 5 minutes until my flight when someone unfamiliar spoke to me. "Excuse me Y/n Blair? Your flight is leaving now please board.." the stranger which looked to be an attendant said. "Okay" I replied grabbing all of my things heading onto the plane. I couldn't see anyone on the plane either my dad didn't want me to speak to anyone or no one was heading to 'Outer Banks' "Where is everyone?" I say buckling myself up before we take off. "Your on a private jet miss Blair" Another attendant spoke. "Of course I am" I roll my eyes in disgust, I knew my father wouldn't want me to talk to anyone and to have no friends to make me even more miserable then I already am..

I felt the strong thud as we hit the ground safely in 'Outer Banks' I wondered what it would be like being another new girl, not that I've already been one a billion times. "Ah! Y/n good to see you sweetheart" the unfamiliar man spoke giving me a hug. "I'm Ward Cameron, Your fathers brother" He smiled as a women stood next to him holding tightly on his arm. "This is Rose" she smiled as he introduced us. "Nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand. "Well lets get going" He jumped in excitement. The car ride was long but interesting, Ward told me all about his children and how he met Rose and why him and my dad dont talk often. It was different but I kind of liked it.. "Oh Rafe!" Ward yelled waving in the air to get Rafes attention. "This is your cousin Y/n she will be staying with us, Would you mind showing her bedroom to her?" Ward asked smiling at him widely. "Sure, come" Rafe instructed picking up one of my bags. "Thanks" I smile following him up to my new bedroom. "This is your room and the bathroom is down the hall" Rafe explained pointing in the direction towards the bathroom. "Thanks Rafe" I say smiling looking around. "I'll be down stairs if you need me" he says not breaking the eye contact like leaving. "Hey I heard your my cousin" A girl said while entering my room. "Hey, Yeah Im Y/n. Nice to meet you" I smile offering her my hand as she took it continuing to shake it. "I'm Sarah, nice to meet you too" she smiled looking around the room. "Well Ill let you settle in then" She smiled once again before leaving my room. 

I was finally settled in when Ward called us all down for dinner. I felt like home since no one usually has dinner with me, I was kind of confused when everyone was down there before me. "Sorry I'm late" I say shyly. "oh no dont worry about it" Ward smiled while Rose took a tip of her wine. I sit down and we all begin eating, Ward asked me many questions which I answered honestly but I did lie when one question came up. "So how come you had to move?" Sarah asked proceeding to take another bite of her food. "oh my dad was just to busy to have me around" I awkwardly laugh. "oh okay" Sarah giggles with me. 'Theres no way I'm telling them the truth about me burning down a classroom..' I think rapidly. We all finish up dinner and I rinse my plate before heading up the stairs. "Hey Y/n, do you want to hang out with me and my friends tomorrow at school?" Sarah asked with a smile. "Sure" I smile back before saying goodnight and heading to my bed. I got changed into my Pajamas and hopped on my bed, I got comfortable before pulling out my note book which I write in all of the time. I mean I never had any friends so this was a way of entertaining myself. I explained all that happened today in detailed words in my book when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in" I say softly before hiding my note book under my pillow. "Hey Y/n, How are you getting along?" Rose ask as she sits on the end of my bed. "I'm going great thanks." I smile. "That's good, well that's all I wanted to ask you" she giggled while standing up. "First day of school tomorrow" she smiled. "Yup" I smile trying not to make any attention towards myself. "Goodnight dear" Rose said while turning off the main light and closing my door. I put my head against the soft pillow and tucked myself in. "Goodnight mum" I whisper blowing a kiss in the air. 

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