Ain't my fault if he likes you on him

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- Daryl stop act like a child!-

- Told you I'm fine, ain't nothing! -

Yeah, nothing.
If nothing means been shot, pierced by an arrow, fell off his horse, rolled off a cliff and almost eaten by a walker while passed out.

It was useless, he seems even notice you trying to push him on the bed, with all your force.

Herschel has medicated him, bandaged him and recommended to rest, giving him one of the bedrooms. A comfortable bed was undoubtedly better than a tent cot, and clean sheets would have prevented any infections.

- Daryl, I said stop! -

- No! I found her doll, Sophia had to be close. I have to go find her! - and with that, he pushes you to the side, moving fast, for how much someone with a hole in the side can move quickly, towards the door.

You try to catch him, stop him, wrapping his arm and using all your weight as leverage.

- I know you want to find her, I just want her to come back safe and sound too but it's not in this state that you will go out there again. It is also dark now! You just risk getting hurt again. -

You hear him grunt and, regardless of all your efforts, he heads for the door again.

No way. Even with a reduced Daryl in that state, you aren't even capable of holding him back. It is certainly not by force that you will convince him to stay in bed.

A light bulb lights up in your mind and even if you hate that thought, you realize that it is the only way to stop him.

You grab his side, digging your nails into the skin next to the wound, just as he is about to open the door and leave.
You feel him jump with pain and feel the guilt resurfacing in the stomach.

- What the hell Y/N!? -

- I said no! You will stay here, like or not! -
And with this you slam your hand on the door to close it while you continue to hold him with the other, making him swear and moan.
You push him on the bed while he is still groggy with pain.

- You're fucking crazy! -
You see him try to get up again and it's a second, you sit on him, your legs on either side of his pelvis, forcing him to lie down.

- You're the one who forces me to use the hard way! Now, stay quiet! -

You stay still, to prevent him from trying to run away again.
Daryl squints, perhaps due to another pain in his side and you can't help but feel even more guilty for using this to your advantage.

- You okay? -

He opens his eyes, looking at you just before nodding and blinking again a couple of times.

Only after a few seconds you realize how his gaze has changed.
Daryl is staring at you in a way you can't describe and you feel almost pierced by his eyes, like X-rays.
You tilt your head slightly to the side, returning his gaze, trying to figure out what's wrong.
And in that moment you feel something pressing between your legs.
You look down quickly, only to realize you are sitting squarely on his crotch.

- Oh my God, I'm sorry! I...I didn't realized...- You feel your cheeks flush as you move quickly away from him, ending up on the bed, lying on your side.

You and Daryl had been together for some time, shared the tent, yes, but you two had never gone that far.
He never forced anything and you ... well you ...

You get distracted by a new attempt from Daryl to get up.
Without thinking, you find yourself back on him, keeping him pressed to the mattress by his shoulders.

- You like to be on top, I get it.-

You feel your cheeks on fire again at his words.

- Stop it! -

- You're the one who keeps jumping on me!-
You can't hold back a low growl.

- It doens't look like you mind! -

- Never said it. -
You growl again, in embarrassment and frustration, when you see him try to break free of your grip and lift his torso, grimacing.
You sigh and move your arms, tucking them under his in a sort of hug, helping him sit up, with you sitting on his legs again.

His arms wrap around your waist as he hides his face in the hollow of your neck.

- Besides, I'd like to know more. - he adds softly, kissing your skin lightly.
You stay stuck as you feel your head spinning for a few seconds at this revelation.
He holds you closer to him, as if he wanted to melt you two together.
You open your mouth but you suddenly feels it dry. You wet your lips, your heart pounding in your ears.
You move away from him slightly, just enough to look into those blue eyes that now seem darker than usual.

- You're enjuried. -
You see him grimacing, annoyed, almost offended or angry and your heart tightens.
You feel his grip loosen and this time you are the one holding it tighter.
He looks at you doubtfully, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

- You're enjuried and I...I never ... - you leave the sentence hanging because you can't find the right words to tell him that it would be your first time and, somehow, this scares you. You look down, feeling stupid and embarrassed.

You meet his eyes again after a few seconds, with his arms embracing you again as before.
He understood, as often happens, without many words, indeed, almost nothing.

He kisses you softly, lightly, as if he were afraid of doing something wrong, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach, your head spinning again.

- I love you. - you hardly hear it as he hides back into your neck and squeezes you tighter until your bodies fit completely.

- I love you too.- you respond as you relax in his grip and feel something press between your legs again.

-Maybe you should tell Little Daryl to calm down.- you try to play down and feel your cheeks blush again.

He chuckles at your skin.

- Ain't my fault if he likes you on him.-

Author's Notes:

Hi! Hope you like this little imagine.

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