Chapter 8 - Simulation

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Cassidy felt guilty for having not followed Riley but as they had walked back inside after lurking in the courtyard for a while, Grayson consoled her that Riley needed and wanted to be alone.

It was nice having Grayson around even if it had only been one day. She wondered if it would be the same with Alexandria. Would she be able to tell her the light-hearted stories behind Riley's more carefree scars or how good Riley was with Thomas's sons whenever they babysat? Would that kind of girl talk be too boring? Too domestic?

Despite his kind demeanour and gentle nature, Grayson was still a product of stereotypical vestral culture where people worshipped things like prophesies and chosen one's - like it wasn't all propaganda and manipulation.

The second floor was eerily quiet which Grayson commented was rather odd.

"After Riley scolded the guests, I expected them to be packing and preparing to leave," he said.

"Scolded?" Katherine shot him a surprisingly angry look, "Those are Nyt's, not a bunch of children!"

Grayson's smile was relaxed, "Sometimes they act like children, Katherine," he replied softly.

"Still," Katherine muttered, "They're your elders still, show some respect."

Cassidy felt her nails dig into her palms as she clenched her fists, "Just because they are older does not mean that they are deserving of it," Katherine gave her a surprised look and she continued before she lost her confidence, "Everyone deserves to be respected. That is a basic layer of human decency and above that, respect can also be earned. Being older doesn't entitle you to that higher form of respect. Have those Nyt's earned Grayson's respect? Besides Hammerhead- Golshan, did anyone their respect Riley until she stood up to them and earned it?"

"Wow," Katherine muttered, "Since when did you become all high and mighty?"

Cassidy stopped walking, "Excuse me?"

Katherine looked at Grayson for support, "Come on, you've spent all day cheering for Riley. What are you? Her fangirl?"

"No," Cassidy's voice cracked, "I'm her partner, and of course I will cheer for her always but, this isn't about how love and healthy relationships work, this about the Nyt's and respect and what Grayson said-".

"Oh, so you're all high and mighty now? Did New York finally teach you how to stop being so lame and girly?"

Cassidy stepped back, horrified at her sister's mocking tone.

"Katherine," Grayson protectively stood next to Cassidy, "Enough. Cassidy does not need me to defend her but I will not stand by and listen to this."

Katherine rolled her eyes, "Not you too."

Grayson crossed her arms, "You have been unsupportive to Riley, who used to be your close friend, all day. You have been giving Cassidy a hard time all day, I thought you'd be excited to see your sister after six years," Grayson's expression was disapproving and Katherine raised her chin defiantly but he pressed on, "You couldn't even pitch up to greet your family when they arrived and now you want to lecture us on respect? We all love you, Katherine, but I do not want to talk to someone who is so disrespectful."

The silence was shadowed by the beginning drum of gentle rainfall. No one moved and Cassidy wished she could see into her sister's mind and figure out what was going on. Time takes away many things but she refused to let it take away her sister, the strong, brave and loving sister she remembered.

Katherine blew out a long breath of air as she exhaled and closed her eyes before replying, "I'm sorry. To both of you and Riley," she opened her eyes and they seemed almost grey in the tepid, coral lighting of the hallway.

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