Chapter 10 - Sister

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Katherine had hovered in the lavender scented infirmary for as long as she could before Cassidy had kicked her out.

"Your pacing is doing my head in," Cassidy's expression softened, "Go shower and get warm, Riley won't be up anytime soon."

Katherine nodded as her sister steered her between the rows of small beds and out of the quiet infirmary.

She snuck a glance back in and watched Cassidy sit back down beside Riley's bed.

Riley had not regained consciousness after the simulation had ended and she and Alexandria now lay in the matching infirmary beds. Although simulations were not real, the pain was and although one technically could not be killed by anything created in the simulation, it would still feel like dying and have similar effects until worn off in reality.

Cassidy gently brushed hair off of Riley's feverish face and Riley twitched, her face screwing up in unconscious pain.

Cassidy let out a worried sigh. She had not been allowed to use her vesence due to the detrimental effect it would have on her considering how much she had used in the simulation and no one but Katherine had noticed how frustrated it had made Cassidy.

Cassidy had once told Katherine that when she had been on Roman's rescue team, he had said what's the point of having your powers if you don't use them. He had sent his team into suicidal situations and forced Cassidy to heal them, it had almost killed Cassidy every time. The most frightening part of all was when Cassidy had told her "I agree with him. What he said makes sense. I just wish it had been my choice."

Katherine watched Cassidy haul a heavy blanket over Riley and lean over to check on Alexandria. She was too kind for this world.

"Hey Alexandria," Cassidy whispered, her voice drifting through the empty infirmary, "I know we never really spoke at the Academy but...I hope we can be like sisters one day. I've always wanted a little sister," Katherine felt like she had been kicked in the stomach, "and when Riley's not being dramatic, she speaks quite fondly of you."

Katherine stumbled back from the door. She and Cassidy had always fantasized about what it would have been like to grow up with a family, but a little sister? Cassidy had never mentioned wanting a little sister.

Katherine stumbled blindly through the halls, the third floor still unfamiliar to her without Grayson around, when she rounded a corner and heard furious voices coming from a dimly lit study.

She carefully slinked behind a corner and peeked around.

The silhouette of a slim woman was illuminated in the doorway. She leaned against a massive mahogany desk with her arms crossed.

"...ran away with some orphan girl. She is a disgrace to this family!" A woman said sharply.

The silhouette woman tilted her chin up definitely and Katherine realised that it was Olympia.

"The Supremes believe that what Riley did was quite noble. All in the pursuit of truth and justice, two things we take great pride in," said Olympia calmly.

The other woman scoffed, "The Supremes are a plague. Corrupt and cruel!"

Katherine stifled a gasp, how dare this woman speak about their leaders so disrespectfully!

Olympia shook her head and moved out of view, "What happened to Rohan was tragic and truly regretful."

At first Katherine thought Olympia had moved behind the desk but when she spoke, she realised it was the second woman who had, "Regretful? My son died!"

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