Rex And Noah 10 rap song

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Rex and Noah 10: face the enemies
For you to show all your strength
Youre gonna need it
At the end of the day save all people
If something came from heaven to transform you
We barely know each other but you look like me
And the evil of this planet, leaves heroes united
Rex! Noah! Together for a goal!
Rex Salazar, the one with the nanites
Anomalies that are running through space time
Along with the whole team, go! What is it?
I know you look like a threat to the land
Humungousaur, how annoying
You better give up or hang on to a Diamond!
I learned long ago my arrogance to control
Metal, meet the Polar Star
Protecting people maybe not bad
Lives matter to us, you're just like me
But in fighting the truth, we are fighting together
Six is ​​hurt and it's your fault!
face the enemies
For you to show all your strength
Youre gonna need it
At the end of the day save all people
If something came from heaven to transform you
We barely know each other but you look like me
And the evil of this planet, leaves heroes united
Rex! Noah! Together for a goal!
I think I was wrong about you
We need to arrest you, you hurt my friend
I just tried to help, let me catch myself
If I wanted to leave, I would have already left
you have friends, i have a family
And they are not in your dimension
i know i need to go back
Okay, maybe we can help each other
Telling our stories, memories and memories
About past problems and various dangers
But amidst the conversation, even different lands
We are so similar
Alpha stole my omega
There is still a solution
Let's not give up on this mission
Let's destroy everything like a cannonball
Alpha stole my omega
There is still a solution
Let's not give up on this mission
Let's destroy everything like a cannonball
face the enemies
For you to show all your strength
Youre gonna need it
At the end of the day save all people
If something came from heaven to transform you
We barely know each other but you look like me
And the evil of this planet, leaves heroes united
Rex! Noah! Together for a goal!
go back to your house i still can't
This isn't your world, but it's still Earth
I'm decided, this is the choice
Since you insist, then let's go
your flame is strong
we are so much more
And let's go together to finish you
Discover the strength and power of Rex Ultra T
I will build and I will improve
Using Omnitrix
This is the end! Time to act!
Send Alpha-Omega away from here
And at the end of that, we won together
With heroes united, anyone saves the world
Looking at you and your problems
We managed to overcome our differences
face the enemies
For you to show all your strength
Youre gonna need it
At the end of the day save all people
If something came from heaven to transform you
We barely know each other but you look like me
And the evil of this planet, leaves heroes united
Rex! Noah! Together for a goal!
Iron Master on track

Noah 10/Ben 10Where stories live. Discover now